Chapter 7

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        I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do. Part of the reason was I didn’t know how to get anywhere in the school. I decided I would head back to the dorm for a little while and hang there. I walked along the path ignoring people on the paths around me. I found my dorm house and entered it. I walked up three flights of stairs to my floor and found my door. I opened it and a cup of water fell onto my head. “Dammit Winchester!” I called. I figured Dean has set it up during our first block since he had a free period then. I walked in and pulled out my towel and dried my head off. I tossed into my laundry pile. I took of my shirt and threw that in the pile too so I could change that.


        I was rummaging through my shirt drawer when I heard the door open. I froze. “Holy shit, Hannah, sorry, I didn’t realize you were changing” I heard behind me. I recognised the voice, it was Gabriel. “Yeah, try knocking next time” I said. I found a good shirt and pulled it on. I turned around and Gabriel was facing the door. “You can look now” I said to him. “Okay, sorry about that” He said. “No, it’s fine these things happen” I said to him “So you have free period to?” I asked him. “Yeah” He said. “Well then, what would you like to do?” He asked me. “I don’t know” I said. “I don’t even really know the school” I added. “I think I would be a bit more comfortable hanging here for now” I told him. “That’s fine” He said.


        I sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me. He walked over and sat down. “So, tell me about yourself” He said to me, putting a lollipop into his mouth. “Well I’m from New Hampshire. I went to a public school. I was bullied through pretty much all of grade school. I didn’t have many friends. I was more of the geek type person. I’ve always been more of a loner. I’ve only ever had ever had one boyfriend, his name was Max. I’ve never really felt like there was someone I could talk to. I had lots of issues with family growing up. My sister bullied me pretty much my whole life, and she was younger but if I ever stood up for myself my mom yelled at me for bullying her…” “Okay, I get the jist of it, your life sucked, welcome to the bandwagon” He said. I, in my ranting, had totally forgotten that he probably had worse problems than I did growing up. “Oh my god, I’m sorry I had forgotten about all that” I said to him. “Nah, it’s fine, everyone has issues” He said “Hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me” I said to him putting my hand on his knee. He put his hand on mine and lifted it so he was holding my hand in his. “Thanks Hannah” He said.


        I found myself leaning in towards him and before I knew what was going on. Our lips met and I couldn’t help but kiss him. He was a good kisser too. I heard the door open and we, even though I didn’t want to, separated. Dean was standing in the doorway. “Well shit, I did not need to see that” He said. “Hey it’s not like you haven’t kissed someone before Winchester” I said to him. “Yes Maille, the difference is I didn’t walk into my roommate kissing my bestfriend’s brother” Dean said. “Good point” I said to him. “I’m just going to leave you guys, stay safe” Dean said and he ran from the room. I rolled my eyes. “Wanna try that again?” Gabriel asked me. I smiled at him and nodded. He put his hand on the back of my neck and we kissed again. This time we weren’t interrupted by anyone.


        When we broke apart for air our faces were inches from each other. We were so close that our noses were touching. “Hannah, would you like to go out with me?” Gabriel asked me. “Of course I would Gabriel!” I said to him. We both started to kiss again but the bell rang again. “That would be the bell” I said sadly. “Don’t worry, we have lunch right now” Gabriel said taking my hand. We both stood up. “Come on sweet” He said to me. We walked out of the dorm and down to the cafeteria, hand in hand. Some people started, some people laughed, some people looked shocked. But neither of us cared. We entered the cafe and got our lunch. I had a burger and fries.


        We sat down with Sam, Dean, and Cas, still holding hands. “Well it’s about time” Dean said aloud. “Thanks Winchester” I said to him. “Welcome” He said to me. "So, you two are..?" "Yep little brother, we are" Gabriel said to him. I at while they talked about stuff. "So Maille, Ready to learn how to hunt?" Dean asked me, "Winchester, you wish I was learning how to hunt, but must I remind you again, I watched the shows, I know every trick you boys know, plus us fans have thought of things you boys never thought of" I said to Dean. "I'd have to see it to believe it" Dean said. "Are you afraid that I could beat you at hunting Winchester?" I asked Dean. "No! No one could beat me Maille. Me and Sammy are the two best hunters in the world" Dean said. "Yeah, right" I said under my breath. "Fine, we will make a bet, who ever has the best grade by the end of the semester gets bragging rights" Dean said. "And the loser has to give the winner one hundred dollars" I added. Dean glared at me for a minute. "Deal" Dean said. "Deal" I said.

        We shook hands, except Dean got shocked in the process. "Shit" he said pulling his hand back. I waved at him, revealing the buzzer on my hand. I had taken it from Pranking class and slipped it on while me and Dean were arguing about who would be the best hunter. "Dammit Maille, what the hell!?" Dean asked, clearly enraged. "Well I guess you can't beat a girl with smarts or style" I said grinning. The bell rang for lunch to be over. I gave Gabriel a quick kiss and followed Sam, Dean, and Cas to the hunting class.

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