Chapter 22

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The next day we headed down to breakfast and met Charlie and Gabriel there. “So, have you seen who won the contest yet?” Gabriel asked the group as he sat down next to me. “No why?” Dean asked. “Well they don’t have the results for the haunted houses, since that was interrupted last night, but all of the others were up there” Gabriel said. “And?” I asked. “For Juniors, Dean came in first, I got third, Sophomores, both Cas and Charlie came in third. And for Freshmen, Hannah got first, Sam second” Gabriel said. “It’s kind of hard to celebrate that after what happened last night” I said, they all agreed with me. When we were done eating I went with Gabriel and Cas to visit Samandriel, only because Gabriel practically begged me too, while the others went to investigate and look for clues. We were supposed to interrogate Samandriel, ask him what he remembers about his killer. Except it was a bit hard to do, because he was dead when we got there. The person who was watching him was also dead. I didn't know her.


I went over to where Samandriel lay, now dead. "Gabriel, you may want to tell Dean what we found, and Cas, find Tony" I told them. They left and i inspected both bodies quickly. The woman who was set with the task of watching him, her eyes were burned out. There was only two creatures I knew that could do that, an Angel and Bloody Mary, which wasn't likely, and unless Samandriel killed the person protecting him, his killer, was an angel. Samandriel had an angel blade sticking out of his chest which I pulled out and shoved into my coat pocket. Tony and Cas came back in. "Shit" Tony said, clearly upset by this. "Okay, I know you guys are investigating, don't deny it, but if you find anything please let me know, and good luck" Tony told us before he left to get more people to clear the room out. He left too and went back to our dorm. Charlie and Gabriel were in there along with Sam and Dean. "He was our only way to find out who it was that tried to killed him" Dean said "actually Dean, there were two victims there, the woman who was watching him and himself. The woman had her eyes burned out, and I found this in Samandriel" I pulled out the Angel blade to show them. "What are you saying?" Cas asked. "There is only two creature, in my knowledge that can melt people's eyes out, Bloody Mary, who would be able to kill you unless you say her name three times and she can't stab people, or an Angel, and you all probably know that stuff" I said "why would one of Samandriels brothers or sisters want him dead?" Cas asked. "Have you seen your family?" I asked him in answer. "So, say an angel did kill him, which one would want to?" Dean asked. "Where should we begin would be a better question. It could have been any of them" Gabriel said. "But, fortunately for you, me being a fan of supernatural, I think I can narrow the list down" I told them. "Okay, who?" Dean asked. "Okay so there is Lucifer, name sort of says it all, there is Metatron and his faithful follower Gadreel, there is Naomi, there is Anna. Yeah that is my list so far" I told them. "It's a good starting point. We should investigate there dorms" Sam said "All the Angels were given permission to carry around there angel blades, whoever is missing theirs has to be the killer" Gabriel stated for us. "Unless the stole someone's because they knew they would come looking and wanted to throw them off their path" I said. "Let's just go look" Dean said as he walked out. He didn't get far though before he stopped and stuck his head back in the door way. "Where are their dorms?" Dean asked Cas and Gabriel. "I'll show you"


Gabriel stood up and walked over to the door. "You guys coming or what?" Dean asked, he was still in the doorway. "Yeah we are coming Dean" Sam called to his brother. Dean's head disappeared behind the door frame again and the rest of us walked over. I took Gabriel’s hand in reassurance as I walked past him and the five of us followed him down to his own dorm, so we could talk to Lucifer first. We walked in and found Lucifer laying on his bed. Michael walked out of the bathroom at the sound of the door. Raphael wasn’t even there. “Gabriel? What are you doing here?” Michael asked him. “This is my dorm to Michael” Gabriel said. It was clear that he didn’t want to be there. “You never come here during the day, and especially not with other… people” Michael said. He didn’t seem to like us very much. “We just need to talk to Lucifer, Michael, now back the hell off” Gabriel said to him, giving him an, I dare you to challenge me look.


Michael just walked back into the bathroom. “So what do you need to talk to me about?” Lucifer asked sitting up. “Samandriel” Cas said. “Look if you are going to ask if I was the one that tried to kill him, I didn’t, I can see why you would suspect me, but I’ve been here with this idiot. I haven’t left this dorm since lunch yesterday, you can ask Michael too if you want, but I don’t think you want to disturb him right now” Lucifer said and he laid back down. “Lucifer, Samandriel is dead now. He was killed most likely during the night. We were wondering if you still had your angel blade on you” Gabriel told him. “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Lucifer asked him. “I don’t know, but may we see it?” Gabriel asked him He picked it up off his bedside table and held it into the air. “Okay, thanks Lucifer, we will leave you now” Gabriel said and we left.


We followed him down to another door. We he opened it we saw Anna standing there and Naomi was sitting at a desk in the corner. “Hey guys, nice to see you here” Anna said with a smile. “Yeah, we just wanted to ask you some questions, about Samandriel” Gabriel told her. “What about him?” Naomi asked from her desk. “Well, he is dead now, and we wanted to know if you still had your angel blades” Cas said. “Well why wouldn’t we?” Anna asked. “Could we see them?” Gabriel asked her. Anna pulled hers out of her pocket and Naomi held hers up. “Okay thanks, keep them on you, Samandriel might not be the first victim” Gabriel told them and we left there room too.

The last room we went to was right next to ours. We walked in and sitting there on his bed was Metatron. He was currently reading. Gadreel was sitting there, he seemed a bit confused by Metatron reading. They hadn’t heard us enter. Dean gave a slight cough. Metatron looked up from his book and Gadreel looked over at us. “Well hello there, what brings you here?” Metarton asked. He was really lucky I didn’t stab him with the angel blade that I had still in my pocket. “We are here to ask you some questions about Samandriel” Gabriel told him. I could see something flicker for a moment in Metatron’s eyes, but I didn’t know what it was so I decided to ignore my gut feeling that I had, and it wasn’t a good feeling. “What about him, he is alive isn’t he?” Metatron asked. “No, actually he died some time during the night, him and the woman watching him” Cas told him. I could see something, almost relief, wash over Metatron’s face. “We just wanted to see if you had your angel blades, he might not be the only one killed, it’s better safe than sorry” Gabriel said. He added last bit, which he hadn’t for the others, well not until after with Anna and Naomi and he hadn’t even mentioned it to Lucifer, he clearly thought something was up here too. Metatron’s eyes flashed to Gadreel. Both of them revealed an angel blade. “Okay thanks, stay safe” Gabriel said and we all left. “So, looks like your list was wrong then Hannah.” “It’s not wrong, did you see the way Metatron looked in there, he seemed almost nervous” “Yeah, if you say so, now lets go get some lunch, I’m starving” Dean said and we followed him to the cafe, since we were all hungry too.

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