Chapter 35

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We ducked for cover as we started to get shot at. “We need someone to take out that sniper” Tony shouted. I quickly stood up, as did a few others. Just as I was about to fire there was a shot and someone shoved me to the ground. I pushed the person off of me. “What the hell was that!?” I said furious, I was about to stop the sniper and someone had stopped me. Of course then I realized that it was Gabriel, and that he wasn’t moving. “No, no, no, no, no” I continuously repeated. Tears were streaming from my eyes. “We need a medic over here!” I called out. “Gabriel, hey you got to stay with me, okay? We are getting married, do you remember that? And Sarah, she is going to need a father” I said to him. “I’m so, so sorry” I said quietly.


I was moved out of the way as John came over. He took out some of the stuff that Oliver had and put it in Gabriel mouth and poured water in. “Grace do you have some sort of cloth?” John asked me, he had unbuttoned Gabriel shirt so he could get to the wound. I ripped of a piece of my shirt and handed it to him. He shoved it into the wound and I helped him move him onto the portable stretcher. No one had taken out the sniper yet and he needed to be taken out for John to be able to get out with Gabriel, so I took a deep breath, knocked my arrow, quickly stood up, quickly aimed, and fired. When there was no more firing John got Gabriel out of there. “Come on, we need to get Metatron, this is going to be the last battle, I swear” Tony said.


We all stood up and followed him through the door. There was more firing and this time other people took them out. That sniper had been my first kill, and I was still in shock, plus having Gabriel dying before I had a chance to apologize didn’t help. We continued down the hall. We were still getting shot at, but others quickly took care of them. We found ourselves at a locked door. “The door is locked” Tony called down the line. “That means Metatron is in there” I said pushing my way through the others. When I stood in front of the door I used all of my power and I kicked open the door.


We all charged in but the room was empty, or so we thought. There was a slow steady laughter as the lights went on and revealed that we were surrounded. The door slammed shut and Metatron stepped forward. “A good attempt but it was in vain. This ends now, and it can either end with your surrender, or your death. It is your choice after all” Metatron told us. Tony looked like he was about to say something, but before he could. I raised my bow and shot straight at Metatron. It hit him right in the heart and he fell to the ground. “God, he was getting really annoying, and he was so full of himself. Now do yourself a favor and walk away. We don’t want anymore death” I said to the rest of Metatron’s men. All of them dropped their weapons and walked out. “I have to go” I told them and I ran off to the medical room.


I walked in and found Doctor Watson at his desk. “Is he…?” I didn’t even want to finish what I was saying. “He is alive, but he hasn’t woken up yet” Doctor Watson informed me. I sighed a breath of relief. I found Gabriel in one of the bed and pulled up a chair next to him. I ran my hand through his hair and kissed his forehead. He stirred but didn't wake. "Please Gabriel, wake up, I'm so sorry, and I didn't get a chance to appologize for what I said and did before. I love you" I said to his motionless body, which remained motionless. "He will wake up eventually" Doctor Watson told me. "I know" I sighed.


I got up and walked into the other room. Il often Sarah from the crib she was in and held her in front of me. "Hey Sarah, I missed you baby girl" I said and held her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. I walked back out and sat back in my seat. "Sarah, this is you daddy" I said smiling. I held her close to Gabriel and she reached over and slid her hand down his face. "Say hi daddy, get better soon" I said to her. I pulled her back close to me and rocked her until she fell asleep. Not long after I feel asleep too.


I woke up hours later. The first thing I realized when I woke was the Sarah wasn't in my arms anymore. I jumped awake and found her in Gabriel's arms, since he was now awake. "Ok my god, you are awake" I said, I practically threw myself onto him in a hug. "I'm so, so, so sorry for “I’m so, so, so sorry about everything I said and did. I was just so stressed out” I said through tears. “I know Sweet, I forgive you. We were all stressed out” He said. He gave me an awkward hug since he was still holding Sarah. “I thought I was going to lose you and I would never get the chance to apologize” I told him truthfully. “Grace, you don’t ever have to apologize to me” Gabriel said. “I love you” I said to him. “I love you too” He said.


*Two Months Later *


3rd person pov~


The wedding was something spectacular. They had it at the school in June, on the twenty third, what should have been their last day of school. Grace glided down the aisle. She held a bouquet of white and golden flowers. Her dress and veil dragged the ground behind her. Since her father wasn’t there Dean volunteered to walk grace down the aisle.

When they reached Gabriel, Grace stood next to him, holding his left hand in her right. Chuck, being the only person qualified, and being god, said the blessing. Both said I do and kissed, hoping that the past was behind them. The past was behind them, literally. In the background of the wedding, if one looked closely, you could just make out a figure. It was a person, more like an Angel, and it was Metatron.

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