Chapter 11

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        I automatically slammed off the radio with the scaredest look ever. Dean was on the floor laughing. “Winchester you asshole! You don’t play that song on a tuesday!” I shouted at him. Cas and Sam were up now. I got up furious. I was going to be on high alert all day today. And it’s not like I could skip my classes, especially since it was elimination week. Anyone who skips is guaranteed a boot out the door. I grabbed my clothes to change before I literally killed him. When I was done changing I headed to the cafe, even though breakfast wasn’t for a whole nother hour.


        I sat silently in the cafe waiting for it to open. A few other students came in early. Most people didn’t come in until seven thirty, when breakfast started. I sat alone eating when Dean tried to sit with me. I got up and walked over to a different table. I sat down and continued eating. I finished early and left the cafe to find my first block. I was glad I hadn’t had this class yet so I didn’t know anyone who would talk to me. I was the first one to arrive in my Norse Mythology class. I sat in the corner in the back, where I knew no one would sit. About twelve more people came in before the teacher finally entered. He had a scruffy white beard and long white hair. He was wearing some weird asgardian armour and he had a gold eyepatch that had to of been screwed into his head or something just to keep it in place. I recognized him as Odin, the Allfather of Asgard.


        There were only about fifteen other people in Norse Mythology class, most of whom were wearing Asgardian armour. I felt a little out of place. No one sat with me, which made me happy. “Hello class, I am Odin, but you will address me as Allfather. Now for your first assignment I would like you to get with a partner. I groaned and head desked. I looked up and there was a man standing there. He had shoulder length, slicked back, black hair. His clothes were a mix of green, black, and gold. And he had this evil grin of his face. I knew exactly who it was. It was Loki. “Looks like you are my partner” Loki said to me and he sat down in the chair next to me. “Hello, I’m Loki, of Asgard” He said to me. “Uh, Hannah, of Newton” I said to him. “Newton? I don’t remember that planet” Loki said. I just about laughed at that. “It’s not a planet, it’s a state, in the country America, on the planet Earth” I told him. “Midgaurdian’s and there weird names for everything” Loki said, looking back up at his “father”. “Now for this assignment you will choose a Norse God and write as much as you can about them” Odin said. The class, in unison, said “Yes Allfather”. I didn’t though, I guess I was a bit slow in the uptake.


        Loki turned back to face me. We were both silent. “So what god are we going to do?” I asked him. “Well why don’t we just do me, it would be easier, and we would get a fair grade.” Loki said. I sighed. “Whatever” I said. He did his evil grin again. “Okay lets start writing. What do you know about yourself?” I asked him. “Everything” Loki said. We took the rest of class to finish writing, and by the end we had the most. Even Thor and his partner, one of the Warriors three, hadn’t written as much as we had. We turned it in and Odin gave us a satisfied smile. I was a little freaked out as to what he meant by it, but I ignored it as best I could.


        My next class was pranking. Since it was same groups all week I was with Gabriel, Lucifer, Merry, and Pippin. Since I was around Gabriel I had to at least act normal, of course it is hard to act normal when you aren’t feeling normal, so I probably did a crappy job of it. Most of my pranks were targeted towards Dean, since I was still pissed off at him for earlier. Of course Dean didn’t seem to happy with me either. I guess I embarrassed him in front of his brother and Cas. And knowing Sam he probably got mad at Dean. So Dean was now mad at me, and I could care less.


        As we were leaving class Gabriel grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. “Hey, what’s wrong sweet?” He asked me. “Nothing, I’m perfectly fine” I said with a fake smile. “Seriously Hannah, what is wrong?” He asked again. “It’s nothing, I’m fine” I said. “It’s not nothing, there is always something” He said to me. “Dean was just being an Asshat this morning, that’s all” I said to him. “Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked me. “No, not really” I said to him. “Okay, but don’t forget if you need someone to talk to, I’m here” He said to me. He gave me a kiss and he left.

        I stayed in the room for a few more minutes. I had free period next so it wasn’t like I was going to be late for class. I decided I would spend free period in my dorm. I walked back and no one was in there. I sat on my bed and decided to see if anyone was on facebook that I could talk to. I was lucky. One of my best friends, Nate, was on. ‘Hey’ I sent to him on Messenger. ‘Hey!’ He sent back. ‘What up?’ He sent a moment later. ‘Free Period right now, what about you?’ I asked him. ‘nothing’ He said. ‘How are you liking college?’ He asked me. “Eh, my dorm is mix gender. And one of my roommates is an Ass, but my classes are pretty good’ I sent to him. ‘Why are they an ass?’ Nate asked me. ‘Okay, so it’s a tuesday, and he decided to play Heat of The Moment, by Asia. But the thing is, is that that song on a tuesday scares the crap out of supernatural fans because of one of the episodes in season three where Dean kept dying over and over again. So now I’m on edge all day today, until tomorrow, and I’ll still be a little in edge tomorrow too’ I explained to him. ‘Well then I guess that isn’t a good thing’ Nate said. ‘No, I would rather not die today, especially over and over again’ I sent. ‘Well then good luck’ He said to me. ‘Thanks, I’ll need it’ I sent to him. I heard the bell ring. ‘I got to go. My free period it over’ I sent. I turned off my phone and headed to Magic class.

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