Chapter 9

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        I walked down the halls to my next class. It wasn’t exactly hard to find, since it was outdoors right now, since it was still nice out. My only difficulty was finding my way outside. Once I was out there I was fine. I stood off to the side alone. I didn’t know anyone in this class, so it was a little awkward for me. I wasn’t the only one that was standing alone though. There was another guy standing alone. He had a purple t-shirt, and dark blue jeans on. His hair was a bit spiky in the front. I was fairly sure it was Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. There were two people standing in the front of the group. I was assuming they were the teachers. One of them had long blonde hair and pointy ears. That was Legolas. The other had brown hair that swooped down nearly into his eyes. He had no sleeves on his shirt, he was extremely muscular, and he had a crossbow on his back. That was Daryl Dixon.


        We waited a few more minutes for the rest of the class to arrive. When everyone was there they started talking. “Okay, so this is archery class. This class is dangerous, If you misbehave in this class we will not give you a warning, because you could kill someone if you aren’t paying attention to who and what is around you” Daryl said. “Now for class today we are going to get you situated with a bow, there are two choices, either recurve or longbow with me, or crossbow with Mr. Dixon here” Legolas said motioning to Daryl next to him. “You get to choose which you want. Once you have chosen your side, find a partner and the two of you are going to find yourselves bows, if you finish quick enough we may have some time to actually shoot, or learn for those of you who don’t know yet, you can choose you weapon now” Daryl said.


        Most of the people went for the recurve and longbow class. There were very few that went to the crossbow. “Okay so if you want to learn recurve go to the left, longbow the right” Legolas said. The class split about evenly. I chose to learn recurve. There were about six people on our side, five on the other, and six learning crossbow. “Now I would like each of you to find a partner. Everyone in our group went straight to their friend, which I didn’t have. It was only me and Clint without a partner. He was the one that approached me, because I don’t like people. “Hey I guess we are partners” He said with a smile. “Yeah I guess so” I said giving a small smile. “So, have you ever shot before?” Clint asked me. “Yeah I’ve been shooting for almost ten years now” I told him. “What about you?” I asked. “I’ve been shooting since I was really little” He said.


        He picked up a bow, weighed it in his hand and pulled on the string. “Try this one” He said handing it to me. I tried it out and it worked perfectly for me. “It’s perfect how did you know this one would work for me?” I asked him. He shrugged. “I’ve been shooting my whole life I know bows” He said picking up one for himself and trying it. He kept that one. It took a whole nother half hour for the rest of the groups to finish. We still had a whole half hour to shoot though, which was a good thing. My target was next to Clint’s. “So, if you’ve been shooting since you were younger, than how good is your shot?” Clint asked me. “Clint, my shot is pretty damn good” I told him. “I guess we will see” He said grinning. I pulled out one of my arrows and hit dead center. “And how do I know that wasn’t just luck?” He asked me. He also shot one of his and his too hit dead center. “You are challenging me aren’t me aren’t you?” I asked him. He winked.


        I pulled out another arrow and shot exactly next to the arrow I had already shot. “Impressive” He said and shot his own arrow. He hit the arrow he had shot before, splitting that arrow in half. “Damn” I said. I pulled out another arrow and shot it. I hit right in between the two arrows I had already shot, scraping down both of the sides and actually embedding it in both of the other arrows tips. He nodded his head slowly. He pulled out a third shot right next to his arrow, but not in the center. He pulled out a fourth arrow and shot it. It cut the arrow he had just shot in half, making the fletching and the end fall to the ground. “Well, I’m sure any beginner can do that” I said. He gave a half shrug and a head tilt.

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