Chapter 19

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When we woke up in the morning Charlie insisted on wearing our costumes to breakfast. "Come on everyone will be doing it! It's the first chance to impress the judges!" Charlie insisted. "Okay, yeah" I said. I grabbed my costume and changed in the bathroom after Charlie was done. After that we walked down to the cafe. Everyone was in Halloween costumes! It was pretty cool actually. We got our breakfast, which they were serving pumpkin pancakes.


The boys joined us a couple of minutes later. They to had their Halloween costumes on. Dean was clearly a Vampire. He was in a full black outfit. It had a long, black leather trench coat, and black leather pants and shirt. He had blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He also had his hair spiked back. Costume:  Sam was a hunter, more specifically a zombie hunter. He had an unloaded sawed off in his right hand, and his handgun in a holster. He had a tan trench coat which was splattered with blood. He had on a plain t-shirt and jeans, which were also splattered with blood. Costume:, (minus the hat and bullets, and change the shirt). Cas had pure white pants on and a white shirt with a white vest, the white shirt clearly wasn't meant to be there though and he had definitely added that. He also had on a pair of large white wings and a white halo, and there was also a rope belt around his waist. Costume: (just add a shirt) The fourth, which had to be Gabriel, was wearing a nearly all silvery blue robe, the only apps that weren't the blue were the sleeves, around the waist, and some stars, which were all silver. He was wearing black shoes. On his face he had a long white beard and long white hair. On top of that was a hat that matched the robe. All the silvery blue, except for the crescent moon on it. Costume:


They sat down with us and placed there own food down. "Hey sweet, nice costume" Gabriel said, avoiding my wings as he sat. "Thanks" I said. He pulled me in for a kiss and as I brushed against his beard I pulled away. "Eww" "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" Gabriel asked me. "Other than that beard no, but I brushed up against the beard and it just felt weird" I explained to him. "Aw come on sweet, you aren't going to get through this day without a kiss from me" he said as he quickly snuck in a kiss. He pulled back as I smacked his chest. "You are an asshole sometimes Gabe" I said, but I was laughing. He started to laugh too. "So I'm assuming you boys have an idea for the haunted house" I said turning my attention to them instead. "Oh you bet. We have decided to use the beach house. We figured it would be a perfect place to work our magic" Dean said. "Great! When are we starting work?" I asked. "As soon as we are done" Sam told us. "Except when we stop work for lunch around twelve they also have the costume contest that the whole school attends. It's awesome!" Gabriel added for them. "Okay cool" I said. "We will start letting people in around seven, and it will go till ten, then the dance is till twelve, it's pretty much just a way to announce the winners though" Gabriel told me. "Yeah but we are going to win for certain this year, we have a greater chance than the past years. We doubled in chance this year for the costume contest, and haunted it me and Sams thing" Dean explained to us. "I hope you are right Dean-O" Gabriel said to him.


We finished breakfast and me and Charlie went down to the beach house while the boys got supplies. He waited a good hour for them before we heard, and saw them in the distance. They had lots of bags with them. "What have you got there?" Charlie asked them. "Supplies" Dean said grinning The four of them started pulling things out of the bags and putting them in different piles. They made six piles, one for each person. “Okay we are each going to work on a different part. Hannah you get the decorations, make this place look creepy with that you have. Charlie you are going to be on mechanics, we want things to be able to pop out. Gabriel and Cas are going to lifting the heavy things. Sam is getting high up areas that all of us are to short to reach. I’m going to be preparing everything, and I’m going to be the one taking people through” Dean told us.


We each grabbed our piles and ran off. We were keeping everything on the first floor. The first thing I grabbed was a giant spider web. I knew exactly where to put it. “Dean where is the end?” I called to him, since he was a couple rooms away. “The backdoor” Dean called back. “Thanks!”. I ran to the back door pinning up the spider web right in the doorway so that when people walked though they would walk right into it. I cut a slit from the middle down so it didn’t tear, or get pulled off the door frame. After that I just put a bunch of webs all over the place, some large and some small. There were a few things that Charlie helped out with so they would fall from the rafters onto people.


When I was done I went outside and found that Dean had brought refreshments. I grabbed one of the glasses of juice that was on the table. Gabriel walked out. His mouth was full of candy and he had some in his hands, and he clearly had some stuffed into his pockets too. “Gabriel that was supposed to be for the people for after they went through” Dean said rolling his eyes. Gabriel shrugged. “It said free candy” Gabriel told him. “What ever, just don’t take anymore” Dean said.

Gabriel came over next to me and put his arm around me. I had long since taken off my wings so they didn’t get in the way while I worked. “Having fun sweet?” Gabriel asked me. “I’m always having fun with you guys, nothing ever stops happening” I said to him. “Good point” He said with a chuckle. When people finished they joined us outside. When we were all done we headed for lunch.

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