Chapter 2

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        After a few minutes, once I calmed down I went back to my room. Gabriel was gone when I got back. Sam, Dean, and Cas were still there though. “What was that about?” Sam asked me, he had look on his face. “What, I needed to use the bathroom” I said to him. “No it wasn’t, because I’ve seen that look before on people, you like him” Dean said to me. “What!” I said, trying to lie, but my face totally blew that lie out of the water. “Yep you do” Dean said. I gave him a glare. “Tell him and I kill you in the worst way possible” I said to him. He grinned at me. Cas stood there clueless. “I swear I won’t tell him, but he does have a way of figuring these things out, that is if he doesn’t already like you” Dean said. “Yeah, he is the kind of person to make the first move, and it’s usually soon too” Sam said. “He probably doesn’t like me, I mean he just met me, and I’m just this weird girl who is your roommate” I said to them. “Well you clearly didn’t see him after you left” Dean said. I turned on the spot to look at them. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “Sorry, we can’t tell you, we made a promise” Sam said. “Dammit boys tell me!” I said. “He said that you were pretty sweet” Dean said. “Okay” I said as if that was nothing. “He only calls something sweet if he likes it” Sam said. “Sam is right, I would know my brother better than any of you, I have actually never heard him call anyone else sweet, at least not around me” Cas said.


        I was a little shocked. What were the odds that the character that I actually fangirled over would actually like me too! I decided that I would be a bit more confident, get to know him a bit. Sort of like I did when I like Nate, but of course, I knew a lot of things about him already, he just didn’t know me. I finished unpacking.


        I sat on  my bed and I heard the door open. “So who is going to dinner?” Gabriel asked sticking his head in. “I’m coming” I said hopping off the bed. The boys looked at me in wonder. “What, I’m hungry” I said to them. I walked over to the door. “I’m coming too” Dean said. “Same” Sam said. “I guess I am also coming” Cas said. The five of us walked together down to the cafeteria. I walked through the line getting some pasta and bread, and some fries, because who doesn’t like fries. We all found a table and we sat down. We all ate. Sam and Dean talked for a bit. A person came up to the table and dropped five pieces of paper in the center of our table.

        I grabbed the one that had my name on it. It was my schedule. Monday I had, block 1) Religion, block 2) Pranking, block 3) Space Time Travel, block 4) free period, block 5) Hunting, and block 6) Archery. Tuesday was, block 1) Norse Mythology, 2) Pranking, 3) Free period, 4) Magic, 5) Hunting, and 6) Archery. Wednesday I had, block 1) Religion, 2) Pranking, 3) Zombie Survival, 4) Free Period, 5) Hunting, and 6) Archery. Thursday I had, block 1) Norse Mythology, 2) Pranking, 3) Zombie Survival, 4) Free period, 5) Hunting, and 6) Archery. And Friday I had, block 1) Religion, 2) Pranking, 3) Free Period, 4) Magic, 5) Hunting, 6) Archery.


        I laid my paper on the table and got up to throw out my plate. I sat down and the boys were looking at my paper. “We have hunting with you Hannah” Sam said. “Cool” I said. “Religion with me and Cas” Gabriel said “Oh and Pranking with me and the boys” He added. “Cool!” Anything else?” I asked them. “Nah, that’s it” Dean said. “Dang, so that’s three classes where I will know people, which means the other classes require talking to people. New people, great” I said, a little let down, I didn’t like new people, I was lucky I was able to even talk to them, but they were my roommates, I had to talk to them. “Well you talked to us” Dean said. “Yeah well you’re my roommates, that’s different” I said to them. “I’m not your roommate” Gabriel said. “Good point, you kinda talked to me first though. If they talk to me first I’ll talk back but I can’t hold a conversation, unless you are my friend, then you can’t get me to shut up, but if I have to try talking to people then you can count me out” I said. The five of us laughed.


        We continued to talk about random things. “Hello, can I have it quiet in here” The man in the front said. It was Tony Stark. “Hello, Welcome back to all the returning students, for all the new ones, welcome to our college, I’m your principal Tony Stark, but you can call me Tony. Now as a welcome, whether it is back or a first time here, we are having a dance, it is formal and it’s till twelve” Tony said. “Your schooling will start tomorrow, have fun” He said and he left the room. “You going to the dance?” Dean asked me. “I don’t know, school starts tomorrow, I don’t want to start the day tired.” I said to him. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Sam nudge Gabriel and nod his head toward me while me and Dean were talking. “Not even if I asked you if you wanted to go with me?” Gabriel asked me.


        I was in shock. No one had ever asked me to a dance before. Well there was that one time that Jon asked me, but he followed me around wherever I went, and it was kinda creepy though. “Ah, yeah, I would go” I said honestly. “Will you go with me?” He asked grinning. “Uh, yeah” I said. “Great” He said and he threw me a lollipop, “Meet me in the ballroom in an hour” Gabriel said and ran off to get ready. “You boys wouldn’t happen to know anywhere that I can buy a dress do you?” I asked them. “No, but we know someone who does” Dean said. “Follow us” Dean said and I ran off after them.


        I followed them over to a girl. She had ginger hair, green eyes, and she was wearing a geek t-shirt. I recognized her, it was Charlie. “Hey Charlie, this is our roommate Hannah, she needs a dress for the dance” Dean said and leant closer to her. “She got asked to the dance by Gabriel” he whispered into her ear, but I could hear it. “Great, I know the perfect place, leave it to me” Charlie said grinning. We started to walk away but she turned and started to walk backwards. “Peace out bitches” She said as she held up live long and prosper. “So Hannah, you got asked to the dance by Gabriel” Charlie said. I nodded. “Yeah” I said quietly. “Sweet, he seems like a nice guy” Charlie said. “Yeah he is” I said. “How long have you known him?” She asked me. “I just met him a few hours ago” I admitted to her. “And you are already going to the dance with him, how do you even know what he is like?” She asked me. “I watch the shows” I told her. “Ahh” she said. She asked me a bit more questions before we finally got to the store.

        We looked for a few minutes when I found a beautiful lavender colored dress. It fit perfectly so I got it. We also got some nail polish, and some jewelry, a bag, some shoes, and a shawl. We went to Charlie’s room, which she was sharing with Ed and Harry from the ghostfacers. I changed into the dress and Charlie helped me with my makeup and nails., this was my outfit. I put on my jewelry while Charlie changed into her own dress and did her own makeup and nails., this was Charlies outfit. “Damn” I said looking at her, “Does it look bad? I wasn’t sure if I would look good in green.” She said. “You look awesome!” I said to her. “Thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself” She said to me. “Thanks” I said, my face red. “Come on the Dance starts in ten minutes: She said grabbing my hand.

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