Chapter 21

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After a few minutes they carried the man out on a stretcher. They were rushing so he was clearly still alive. After another couple minutes we went back into the room. There was a pool of blood on the carpet. “I wonder who that was? I didn’t get a good enough look to see before we had to save his life” I said aloud. “His name is Samandriel” Gabriel said. “He was mine and Cas’s brother” Gabriel added quieter this time. “Oh my god Gabriel, I’m so sorry” I said holding my hands up to my mouth in shock. “It’s fine” Gabriel said. “He was good, I don’t understand why someone would kill him” Cas said. “Everyone has their secrets Cas” Gabriel said to his brother.


There was a beep and the intercom came on. “We are asking all students and staff to please file into the gym, there have been a slight change of plans to tonight events” Tony said on the intercom and then it went dead. I gave Gabriel a quick hug and kiss before we left our room. “I’m here for you okay” I whispered into his ear. I could feel him nod against my head. The six of us left the room and we walked into the gym. “Hannah, Sam, Cas, Charlie, Gabriel, Dean! Tony wants you up there with him” Steve said running over to us. We followed him over to where Tony said. “None of us were there when he went into your room, so you are going to have to re-account what happened, if it isn’t to hard for you, I realize he was your brother, Gabriel and Castiel, so if you guys don’t want to do this I won’t mind if you sit this out” Tony said to us. “I think we are okay” Gabriel said. Cas nodded but didn’t speak.


Tony walked up to microphone. “You are probably wondering why I have gathered you all in here” Tony said. There was quiet chatter through the room and then it stopped. “Earlier today it came to my attention, from some of your fellow students, who had come in search of me, that one of our students had an attempt on their life. Now we know the attempted murderer has to be in this school, because there is no other way in. The person who was nearly murdered, and some of you were his friends and/or family, Was Samandriel Shurley. We have here the people who found him”


Tony stepped away from the mic so we could speak. We all looked around at each other. The six of us took each others hands for support as we walked up to the microphone. “We were all gathered in one dorm” Charlie started. “It was mine, my brothers, Cas, and Hannah’s” Dean added. “We were all just talking about earlier that day since we had time before the dance” I said. “That’s when he came in” “All he was able to say was ‘help me’ before he stumbled and fell to the ground” “Hannah jumped right into action, taking charge of the situation,. She had us all doing jobs. Me and my brother were sent to get help” “She had me and Cas getting towels” “I grabbed a sheet to put him on, and I helped her to stop the bleeding using the towels that Gabriel and Cas brought” “Me and Charlie took turns keeping pressure on the wound” “Eventually Steve showed up and then everyone else did and they took over the situation” I ended. Tony walked back over. “It’s because of these three that Samandriel is still alive. When he wakes up we will be able to talk to him and find his killer, and since we know the killer has to be in this room we have kept his location a secret so that the killer can’t finish what he started. The dance for tonight has been canceled, it’s in the process of being rescheduled. The results for the contests will be posted in the cafeteria tomorrow for you to see. I want everyone to go back to their rooms and keep their doors closed and locked. There will be check-ins every few hours so that we can make sure everyone is accounted for, there is no going to other dorms during the night until this person is caught, and these procedures will happen till they are caught. School has been canceled until this person has been caught. You are all dismissed” Tony said. The rest of the school filed out. “I want you six to come with me. He has been asking for you guys” Tony said. I’m pretty sure we all knew who he was talking about.


We followed him out and down some hallways. they had set up in a far off place that I’m assuming not many people knew about. But it was a medical center so they used it. When we entered Samandriel was laying on one of the beds. “How has he been?” Tony asked. “He seems to be okay, I think he will make a full recovery” Crowley said. He was the vice principal of the school. “Crowley is quite right sir, Samandriel is going to make a full recovery. He was very lucky, clearly whoever tried to kill him wasn’t skilled in how to use a knife” Martha, the nurse, told him . “Or they didn’t actually want him dead. This may be something bigger” Gabriel said, it was a bit unexpected so everyone turned to look at him. “What are they doing here?” Crowley asked, he was staring at us. We weren’t exactly high on his good list, he had it out for us. “He was asking for the people who he found before he passed out, these are the people, he is alive because of them” Tony said, sticking his neck out for us. I could see Dean give him a beat that smirk.


Samandriel stirred on the bed that he lay asleep on and he woke up. He looked around the room and noticed us standing in the doorway. We all looked over at Tony and he gave us a nod so we walked over to him. “Hey Sammy” Gabriel said sitting down in the chair next to his bad. “Gabriel? What happened?” Samandriel asked. “You were stabbed bro” Gabriel said to him. He seemed a bit better knowing he was still alive, same with Cas. “I remember that, what happened after?” Samandriel asked. “Hannah saved you” Gabriel said as he pointed over at me, “No, it wasn’t just me, we all helped” I said. I didn’t want to feel like I was responsible for someones life. “Hannah if you hadn’t jumped right up and took control he might have died” Dean said from behind me. “Thank you Hannah” Samandriel said to me, he was smiling. “Uh, you’re welcome” I said, a bit awkward.

We stayed there with him for a while, although me, Sam, Dean, and Charlie just stood there most of the time, while the three brothers talked instead. Around nine, nine thirtyish they made us leave so Samandriel could get some sleep. Gabriel walked me to my dorm and gave me a kiss before walking a few doors down to his own. I walked in and decided to message my friends, unlike I had in a long time. ‘Hey guys, so shit went down tonight over here’ I sent. It took about ten minutes to get a reply, and it was from Jillian, which was different. ‘?’ was all she sent. ‘One of the students almost got murdered tonight, everyone keeps saying that because of me, and my group here, he is still alive’ I said. ‘Who was it?’ Megan asked. ‘His name is Samandriel, Megan and Jillian would know him from Supernatural’ I said. ‘Oh, who would try and kill him he is adorable’ Megan sent. ‘He really was’ Jillian said. ‘ although probably not as adorable as...’ I didn’t read past there because they went off on a rant about Attack on Titan, so I shut my notifications off and went to bed.

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