Chapter 20

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We all got our lunch and sat at our table eating. Before we were even done one of the people from the staff was over to bring us for the costume contest. We trashed our remaining food and followed them out, along with everyone else who was doing the contest. There were only a small amount per grade. When we got to the auditorium they separated us by grades. I stood with Sam, since he was also a freshmen. Cas and Charlie stood not far off with the sophomores, and Gabriel and Dean were with the juniors. They started with the seniors. The men went first, then the women.


After the seniors went the juniors. Everyone cheered and clapped as there friends walked onto the stage to present their costume. Dean probably had the loudest cheer of all the men in that group. The sophomores went after. There weren’t many cheers for Cas and Charlie, they clearly weren’t as popular in their grade. Then it was the freshmen’s turn. Same as before it was men than women. When Sam was called he walked out a bit awkwardly. There were a couple cheers, most from Dean who had joined the crowd after his turn like all the other people. The men finished and they started to call the girls. It went alphabetical, so I was in the middle.


I heard my name called and so I walked out onto the stage. I froze for a moment but I saw Gabriel motion in the front with his hand to spin. So I did a small spin. It seemed to go in slow motion. Some of the feathers on my wings came off and fluttered in the air around me as I spun once, twice, three, four, five times. My hair, which Charlie had helped me curl into perfect ringlets, danced around my head. When I stopped spinning a few of them hit my face. My dress went up a bit and spin too slightly, but my long sleeves were everywhere. The twirled and spun and flew everywhere. When I stopped there was some clapping. Most of the cheering came from Gabriel, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie, but a few of my friends from class where too. Loki, Jack, Rory, Amy, Merry and Pippin, Fred and George, and Clint was to. My face flushed red as I bowed and left the stage, taking a seat in the empty spot that had been saved for me between Gabriel and Cas.


We sat through the rest of contest and when it was over they brought out the tools for the pumpkin carving contest. The only people in it that a knee were Merry and Pippin and I clapped as the revealed there pumpkin, which had a face of a curly haired hobbit on it. Once they cleared that off it was the apple bobbing contest. Jack did that one, as did Amy and the twins, Fred and George. I clapped after each one of them did there turns. When it was cleaned up Tony walked into the stage. "Hello! Now we have three of our contests done. And boy have we seen some impressive stuff, am I right. Some great costumes this year, and the pumpkins looked great this year! And I've been wondering, did all of you practice for the apple bobbing contest, because if I were a judge all of you would get my vote. Now for our last one we have our haunted houses. One group will go at a time" Tony said as he pulled the sign-up sheet out. "Our first group on the list is Gabriel, Hannah, Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Castiel. Can't wait to see your work, we are coming to you guys first, right at seven" Tony said and he got off the stage.


We went back down to the house to add any final details. We started turning on lights and making sure everything worked. Dean also filled up the candy bowl, again, which Gabriel had pretty much emptied earlier. "Okay, now for jobs, Gabriel and Sam you are the ones that let the groups in. Cas I want you in the back, make sure everyone gets a piece of candy when they come out. I'm going to be the tour guide, I'll bring each group through and set it back up before we send the next group through. Hannah and Charlie, you two are going to be upstairs. There are some light mechanisms that are set up that I will hit to signal what room I'm in. When the light goes on start moving things in that room until the light goes off, then move to the next room with a light on" Dean explained to each of us.

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