Chapter 10

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        I followed Gabriel down to the beach. It was a warm night, since it was still summer. "I'm going to change into my suit" I told him as I threw my towel into the sand and walked off. I found a bathroom and changed in one of the stalls. When I was done changing I walked out and back over to where we had be earlier. Gabriel was still sitting in the sand waiting for me. "I'm ready" I told him. "Sweet" he said. He got up and took my hand and we ran down to the water. "Holy shit it cold!" I said as I entered the water. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Come on sweet it isn't all that bad" Gabriel said as we walked back over to me. He took my hands into his and he kissed me and he started walking backwards so I was walking forward. We walked out a little ways until we were up to my hips, which then of course I slipped and fell on top of Gabriel and we both fell into the water.


        I inhaled water as I tried to figure out which way was up. My lungs stung and my mouth tasted like salt. I felt someone grab me and pull me out of the water. I can up sputtering and coughing. I couldn't see yet because I was to disoriented. Who ever pulled me out of the water, I'm assuming it was Gabriel, held me close to him. When I could finally see I saw that it was Gabriel that had pulled me out. "Well wasn't that exciting" he said grinning. "Did you plan that? You asshole!" I said but I was laughing, even though it hurt my lungs. "Hey it got you in the water didn't it?" He asked me. "Yeah but at what cost, me almost dying" I said to him. He just sort of chuckled and picked me up bridal style. He carried me over to the spot we had set up. Well thrown our towels on the ground, there wasn't much setting up done. He let my legs down so that I was standing with him supporting my back. “You okay?” He asked me. “Yeah” I told him nodding.


        He moved his hand from my back and laid out the towels so we could sit on them. I sat down on my towel and Gabriel sat down next to me. “Are you sure you are okay?” He asked me. I nodded. He kissed me full on the lips. I kissed back. His tongue traced my lips asking for entry, which I allowed. I felt his hand on my back and under my legs as he picked me up and placed me on his lap. We kissed for a few minutes. “You are so amazing” Gabriel said to me when we broke apart. “No, not really” I said, my self conscious side showing. “No, you really are” Gabriel said to me. “I don’t know” I said. He lifted my head and moved some of my hair out of my face.”Hannah, you are brilliant! You are a kind, fun, sweet, caring, person, okay? I know you don’t see it but you really are, you are, amazing” Gabriel said. I could feel my face heating up now. “If you say so” I said to him. “I know so Hannah, I know so” He said grinning. He kissed me again but this time we fell over so that I was on top of. We continued to kiss for another couple minutes.

        It was better than heaven. I wished it was heaven. After a few hour of swimming on and off we walked back to my room. It was about ten when we got back. I made sure there were no trip wires or anything this time before I entered. I changed into my pjs and climbed in bed. I pulled out my phone. ‘Hey guys? How is college?’ I texted. ‘Boooooring’ Jillian said. ‘Haha, sucks for you guys! I have awesome classes! And the school is amazing! This place is great, it’s to bad you guys couldn’t come’ I sent. ‘What is your school called?’ Elizabeth asked. ‘I have no clue, all I know is that I was at my original college and they came to me and brought me here, and it is awesome here! Tony Stark is the principal!’ I sent to them. ‘Okay can I sneak into your school?’ Elizabeth asked. ‘If you can find it’ I sent to her. ‘How is that even possible though, they are all fictional characters’ Megan said. ‘Yeah well they are real, trust me, they are’ I sent. ‘How do you know for sure?’ Jillian asked. ‘Stop ruining her beliefs’ Elizabeth said, ‘Well first of all I am in a prank war with Dean, plus we have a bet to see who is the best hunter. I traveled in the TARDIS to the moon with the Doctor and had Jack Harkness flirting with me the whole time, I was in competition with Clint Barton to see who was better at archery, and...’ I sent ‘And what?’ Megan asked. ‘AndmyboyfriendisGabriel’ I sent all as one word. ‘OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I WANT PICTURES!!!!’ Elizabeth sent. ‘Calm your tits girl’ Jillian sent to Elizabeth. ‘I better go guys, I have school tomorrow, Bye’ I sent. I turned my phone off and laid down to sleep. I woke up at six AM again, but it wasn’t to my song. It was to Heat of the Moment, and it was a tuesday.

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