Chapter 14

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When we arrived John pulled Sam off to the side to talk to him. We took our seats and Sam didn’t join us until right as class was starting. “Okay class, today you will have your first hunt. One of the students in this class currently has a demon inside them. Taking what you have learned you have to find out who the demon is, and exorcise it” John  told the class. “If no one finds it by the end of class then you will stay here till you do” John said. He sat down on the chair. Put his feet up and laid back. Bobby leaned against the wall in the corner. Me, Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Cas grouped up. “Okay, demons are easy to find” Dean said. “They smell like sulfur, so going on smell alone… The whole room smells like sulfur” I said. “Well holy water burns them too, so we could always try splashing them with that, but we would have to make it” Charlie said. “We could also just shout out the exorcism, but as soon as we start it will try and kill us” Dean said. “We could just say Christo” Cas said bluntly. “That works, Okay, Hannah, you and Charlie work on a demon trap. Sam and Cas you guys with me, we are going to find this demon” Dean said.


The boys left and me and Charlie grabbed the red paint from the cabinet. We were starting to paint it when Dean and Cas ran past with Sam following. I thought for a moment that Sam’s eyes were black. I dismissed it at first. But then I realized. Sam was the only one that John had pulled off to talk to. And when Cas had said Christo out of the corner of her eye she thought she had seen Sam flinch. “Shit, it’s Sam!”. I jumped up ran to the closet and grabbed a book. I flipped to the page with the exorcism.


I ran back out. “Hey Sam! Why don’t you get your demonic ass over here!” I called to him. He turned and his eyes flashed black. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica” I yelled at Sam as he ran at me. When he got to close I tossed the book to Charlie. “Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare” She read and when Sam got close to her she tossed it to Dean. “Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis. Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine” Dean read “Come on Sammy” Dean shouted as he tossed it to Cas. Cas looked at the book and looked up confused. “I don’t understand…” “Just read what it says until Sam gets close” I called. He looked at the book and started to read. “quem inferi tremunt” Cas read but he was to late to finish it so he tossed it to me. “Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.'” I finished finally. Black smoke came out of Sam’s mouth and Dean caught him as he collapsed.


The rest of us ran over while Dean helped his brother up. "You good Sam?" Dean asked him. "Yeah I am" Sam said and he shot a glare at his father. He was silently watching us, the class was too, since we had been the ones to exorcise the demon. “For the rest of class I want you to write out a detailed paper on how you can identify a demon with next to nothing” John said. The class groaned. “Do it or I’ll fail you all” John said. The class shut up and did as they were told.


When the bell rang everyone left in silence, placing their report on John’s desk. I walked outside to the archery range. Most of the people were already there so we started class right away. To start off we broke up into groups depending on if we were still learning or already knew, how to shoot. There were very few who already knew. So we spent the whole class free shooting instead of learning anything new. The newbies had to catch up first. The bell rang and I sighed a breath of relief at that fact. “Hey, would you like me to walk you back to your dorm?” Clint asked, being a gentleman. “Sure! That would be great! Thank you” I said to him. “You're welcome” He said.


We walked back together chatting happily. We approached my room. “This is my room” I told him smiling. I walked up to the door to go in but turned. “I’ll see you tomorrow in archery class” I said to him, smiling still. “Yeah I guess so” He said. He seemed a little awkward. “Is something wrong?” I asked him, taking a step away from my door. “No, I ah, just wanted to…” And before I knew what was happening his lips crashed down onto mine. I was startled and didn’t move. “What the hell!?” I heard a familiar voice shout.


He pulled away. except it was more like he was being pulled away. I stumbled back and fell onto the ground. I looked up and Gabriel was holding clint against the wall with one arm, and was facing me. “Please, Gabriel, this isn’t what it looks” I told him. “What it looks! Yeah, definitely not!” Gabriel said with a glance at Clint. “Please, I didn’t want this” I said. I could feel the tears start to flow over now. “Sir, if it means anything, I was the one that kissed her” Clint tried. “Yeah, but she didn’t pull away” Gabriel said through gritted teeth. I could tell he didn’t like seeing me upset like this, but he was right. I didn’t pull away. “Gabriel, please…” “I thought you would be different Hannah. That you may understand me. I guess I was wrong. You are no different from any other girl. You don’t care who he is, as long as you have someone to cling to for support” Gabriel said. He took his arm off Clint and went to walk away. “Gabriel, please, I love you” I said to him. “I don’t though” He said to me without turning around and he walked off. “Hannah, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…” “Realize what? That I had a boyfriend? Well I did! Until you pulled that stunt! Just go away” I said to him.

He walked off without another word. I ran out of the dorms and outside into the warm afternoon. I just ran as fast and as far as I could. Which wasn’t that fast, and not that far. I ran until I found a small beach. I walked out onto the sand, slipping my shoes and socks off as I walked. I stood at the edge and considered going out and just swimming until my arms just gave out, but instead I just sat down and stared into the distance. I fell asleep there.

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