Chapter 30

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I woke up early on Christmas morning. Gabriel was laying  in the bed next to me, just watching. “Sleep well sweet?” He asked me smirking. “Yes, but I like being awake much better, especially when you are next to me” I said smiling. He leaned down and gave me a kiss before jumping out of the bed. “Where you going in such a hurry?” I asked him as he pulled on his shirt. “You know, places” He said grinning. I sat up as he snapped his fingers and disappeared. He reappeared a minute later with one hand behind his back. I smiled at him. He walked over and sat on the bed next to me and held a small, horribly wrapped box. “I always sucked at wrapping” He said shrugging. I smiled and gave him a kiss. “I think it is sweet” I told him. I pulled off the wrapping paper and there was a little box so I opened it. Inside it was a beautiful cross necklace. In the center was an aquamarine stone, each piece of the cross was diamond, and there was sterling silver attaching the center to each end of the cross. “Gabriel it’s beautiful” I said taking it out of the box. He took it from me and clasped it in place so it rested right in the center of my chest. He smiled and gave me a kiss. “I figured you would like that” He said smiling. “Now come on the others will be here in an hour” He said jumping up and taking my hand.


He pulled me out into the other room. “You know, my parents are probably expecting me to call them today” I told him. “So I finally get to meet the fam?” He asked. “I guess so” I told him laughing. “Just saying my family is really boring. Oh and my sister may also have a fangirl moment. She also watches the show. I’ll probably use facetime so I can see them, or Skype. So they will probably end up meeting the others too, and my sister fangirls over Dean and Cas” I told him. “Sounds fun” He said laughing. “So I’m also going to assume that you boys are going to pawn all of the cooking off on me and Charlie” I said to him. “Oh of course. Do you think us guys have any talent in that field?” He asked me. “And what makes you think I have talent?” I asked in return. “Well, lots of girls cook” Gabriel said. “Gabe, in my house, my father was the cook and every holiday HE cooked the food. Not my mom. My mom hated cooking. I got her point of view on that” I told him. “Well that is your house, but generally the women cook” He said. “And you are stereotyping” I told him walking into the kitchen. “What are we even doing for food?” I asked him. “I don’t know” Gabriel said, then asked, “What do most people do?” “Well most people do turkey or ham, our family always did Italian” I told him. “Italian works for me” He said grinning. “Okay. First thing I need to do is go to the store” I said.


I walked out of the kitchen and back into our room and changed out of my pajamas and into some actual clothes. I walked out and found Gabriel already stuffing his face with candy. I walked over and pulled the bag out of his hands. “That’s for later” I said giving him a kiss. I rolled up the top and put the bag in a drawer. “I’ll be back in a bit” I told him and I walked out. I walked to the store which fortunately wasn’t far from our house.


It took me almost a full hour to find everything I needed to cook, and a cook book. As I was walking back I ran into Sam, Dean, and Cas. “Hannah, let me help you with those” Sam said taking a couple of the bags. “Thanks Sam” I said smiling at him. “So where is Gabriel?” Dean asked. “He is at the house” I told him. Dean just nodded. We arrived back at the house and Dean opened the door for me and Sam since our hands were filled with bags. Gabriel came over and took the bags from me while he was giving me a kiss and brought them into the kitchen. “So where is Charlie?” I asked the boys.  “Probably still getting ready, you know girls” Dean said. I smacked his shoulder. “That is rude Winchester!” I said to him. “I intended for that Maille” Dean said. I smacked him again for good measure and joined Gabriel and Sam in the kitchen.

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