Chapter 18

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September came and went and October came and neared the end. It was October thirtieth, the day before Halloween. I still didn’t know what I was going to be. It was a bit weird to Cos-play when you are going to school with the person you are being. So I had to resort back to normal halloween costumes. Me and Charlie were going out later that day. It was currently a Thursday, but we had the whole week off. Our school took halloween very seriously. The boys were out now looking for their costume. We were going to surprise each other with our costumes. Sam, Dean, Cas and Gabriel walked in so me and Charlie left and went to the party store, which had almost every halloween costume in existence. I looked around the store looking for ideas. I decided on being a Dark Angel.


We paid for our stuff and left. We stopped at my dorm quickly to let the boys know we were done and then we headed to Charlie’s room. I was going to spend the night there with her so we could prepare our costumes. The boys wouldn’t need to prepare theirs but they were all staying in my room. Well it was also Sam, Dean, and Cas’s, but Gabriel was going to take my place for the night. “So what did you get?” I asked Charlie. She pulled out a dress and held it up. It was a long, flowing, extremely light green dress. She also held up an elegant tiara that had strings of gems going down it. “I’m being Arwen” She said grinning. “Cool! I found this sweet Dark Angel costume that I liked” I told her pulling it out.


I held up the dress. It was a simple black dress that was just long enough for my taste. There were see through sleeves that started just below my shoulder and was attached to the back of the dress. The wings were relatively large but not in the way. I had also grabbed a pair of long combat boots to go with it. Costume (ignore the shoes on her): “I’m going to try it on” I told her. “Okay” She said. She was examining her own dress. I walked into the bathroom and tried it on. It looked really good on me, and I decided that when I wore it tomorrow I would curl my hair. I walked out to show Charlie. “That looks great on you Hannah!” Charlie exclaimed. “Thanks, lets see you on yours”. I grinned moving out of the way so she could get into the bathroom. When she came out she looked extremely elegant. “Wow” I said. “You look beautiful!” I told her. “Thanks” She said looking at the ground. “We better change before the boys show up” I said to her. “Yeah” She said she went back into the bathroom and came out a couple minutes later. I went in after her and changed too.


I walked back out and managed to put my costume under my bed before the four boys came in. “You guys ready for dinner?” Dean asked. He was clearly famished. “Yeah, I am at least” I said as I stood up. “I am too” Charlie piped in. We all left and walked together down to the Cafe. We got our food and sat at our normal table. “So, you guys got good costumes?” Dean asked us. “I believe so, why?” I asked. “You don’t know?” Charlie asked me. “Know what?” I asked, extremely confused. “Wait and see” Dean told me.


I didn’t have to wait long though. “Hello school! We are coming up to another Halloween and so we are coming up to our annual contests. This year we will have a pumpkin carving contest, apple bobbing contest, haunted house contest, and, our largest event, the costume contest!” Tony said. The whole room was cheering. “Now to sign up for the contests just go to the library the sign-ups are at the main desk. Sign up for as many as you want, but there are only a certain amount of slots per event. The only exception being the haunted house, that one is a group contest. That one also has unlimited slots. You can sign up from now ‘till midnight”. Tony hopped off the table he was on and he left.


Everyone was up in seconds flat. “We are taking the shortcut” Gabriel said grinning at me. He grabbed onto me and Charlie and Cas grabbed Sam and Dean. “Ready?” Gabriel asked me. I nodded. We zapped out and were all in the library before anyone else. “You still up to those old tricks Gabriel?” Mr. Smith, one of the librarians asked. He was also the DJ at the dances. “Oh you bet John” Gabriel said. He signed his name under the costume contest. “We doing haunted house?” He asked. “Sure, what the hell, why not” Dea said. He wrote our names down on that paper too.


The rest of us signed our names on the costume contest and we left right as the people started to arrive. “So how do the contests work?” I ask. ‘It depends on the contest, the costume contest is set up like a beauty pageant. You walked out on stage, do a couple of turns, the judges judge and you get off. They generally choose a boy and girl winner for each grade, and then a boy and girl over all. Haunted house, no clue this is a first for this one” Dean told me. “Cool, so I guess we'll find out tomorrow” I said. We walked back to our rooms and we went to bed. I had long since stopped messaging my friends, who didn’t seem to want to talk any more. Except Elizabeth. But we didn’t talk much.


I sat, leaning against the wall at the head of my bed. “So Charlie, are you excited for tomorrow?” I asked her. “Of course! Halloween is super fun!” She said happily. “I know right! It’s always been my favorite holiday” I told her. “I know right! Mine too! It’s just a lot of fun to dress up and walk around the school in costume. Everyone is all dressed up and it’s just the best. Sometimes the teachers will even give out candy, like trick or treating, but for college students! It’s really awesome! Plus they generally have a dance too, that is where they announce the winners from the different contests” She informed me. “Cool! It sound’s great here! After my freshmen year in high school my mom wouldn’t let me go trick or treating any more, she said it was for the little kids. I just wanted the candy though, because I never had the money to get my own candy” I told her. “Trust me, there is LOTS of free candy here” Charlie told me. “Great!” I exclaimed happily. “We should probably get some sleep, I’m sure the boys are probably going to be up all night planning the haunted house” Charlie said with a yawn. “Yeah you are probably right” I said with a light chuckle.

I grabbed my phone of the table. ‘Promise me you will get some sleep tonight’ I sent to Gabriel. ‘Sweet, angels don’t sleep’ Gabriel sent. ‘Well, then at least let the boys get a few hours, we are going to need it for the haunted house, and we don’t want them falling asleep on us’ I sent to him. ‘I can’t make that promise, the boys have a mind of their own’ He responded. ‘You have permission to knock them out if it gets to two in the morning and they still aren’t asleep’ I sent back. ‘Okay! I’m sort of hoping it comes it that’ Gabriel said. I rolled my eyes. ‘Gabriel behave!’ I sent. ‘I would if you were here, but you aren’t so I’m not’ Gabriel sent to me. ‘Remind me why I am dating you again’ I sent to him. ‘Because you love me. Now get some sleep sweet. I’ll see you in the morning’ Gabriel sent to me, ‘Fine! I’ll see you then. I love you’ I sent. ‘Love you too sweet’ Gabriel sent. I turned off my phone and placed it on the table next to me. It didn’t take long to fall asleep.

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