Chapter 31

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I was shaken away at around five in the morning The next day by Gabriel. "What is it?" I mumbled, turning over and keeping my eyes closed. "There was an incident late last night. Charlie got stabbed" Gabriel told me. I sat up shocked. I had always been close to Charlie, we were friends at sight. "Is she okay?" I asked worriedly. "She is fine, don't worry, but she hasn't woken up yet. At least not since I left" Gabriel told me. "You were visiting her?" I asked him, confused as to why he hadn't woken me sooner about this. "Yeah, you were sleeping really peacefully, and I didn't want to disturb you. So I figured I would let you sleep till today and then I would wake you up" Gabriel informed me. "Okay, as long as she is okay" I said smiling. "Can I go see her?" I asked him. "Yeah, come on".


Gabriel held out his hand to me, and I took it. He helped me off the bed and with a snap of his fingers we disappeared and were in the medical room. Laying on the bed, still asleep, was Charlie. "She hasn't woken up since we found her. Due to blood lose and the location that the blade entered her body, she doesn't have a high chance of waking up. I would say about a one in ten chance of waking up" the Doctor informed me. "Thank you Doctor" I said to him.


I went over to Charlie and sat down next to her. "Can't you just heal her?" I asked Gabriel silently. "I'm sorry sweet, I can't. They limit us to small wounds, and don't want us screwing with death, not with all the different fandoms here" Gabriel told me. "Oh, okay" I said quietly. "If I could save her I would" Gabriel told me, placing his hand on the side of my head. "I know you would" I said to him.


Suddenly Charlie bolt up right taking in a huge breath like when you come above the surface of the water after having a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest. "Oh my god, Charlie!" I practically shouted. She looked around the room confused. "Where am I?" She asked. "You are in one of the medical rooms, you got attacked last night. Do you remember anything about it?" I asked her. "I was laying in my bed, falling asleep, for some reason I couldn't fall asleep last night. I heard my door open, so I grabbed my blade quietly off my bedside table. I pretended to sleep and when the person came over, I stabbed at them, but I didn't count on them being so tall and I missed where I was aiming for, but they got me, right on my side too" she told us. "Well you are okay now" I told her as the doctor walked in. "Hello Charlie, I'm your doctor, Doctor Watson. We are going to require you to stay here for a little while and heal. Then you can go home" the doctor said. "Home!?" Me and Charlie both said confused. "Yes, Tony is sending all the student home with in the month. It may take a while to send so many students home at one time" Doctor Watson said. "What about the students whose family's actually live here?" Gabriel asked. "They will probably go with friends" Doctor Watson answered the best he could. Gabriel nodded.


Doctor Watson walked out leaving the three of us alone. "I'm not leaving" I said aloud. "Grace, are you crazy!? Of course you are going home" Gabriel said to me. "No, I can't. For two reason, one, my mother and father would probably kick me out of the house for this" I motioned downward, "And two, I can't abandon this school, this place. It's my home now, and I'm not leaving it" I told him. "I'm not leaving either" Charlie said, agreeing with me. "See, I won't be alone" I said motioning at Charlie. "My pregnant fiancé, staying at a school full of psychopaths, with only an injured person and a couple of teachers. I feel better already" Gabriel said sarcastically. "Gabriel, I don't care what you say, but I'm staying here" I told him. "Fine, but I'm staying too" he said giving a sigh. I could tell he didn't like the idea of me being here in my condition. "Tony has called for all students to go to the gym" Doctor Watson said, sticking his head in through the door. "Thank you Doctor" I said to him.


Me and Gabriel got up, and after saying goodbye to Charlie we left. We met up with Sam, Dean, and Cas in the gym. Tony was standing in the middle waiting for everyone to take their seats. When everyone was seated he spoke. "Due to all of the violence on the school this year, me and the other teachers on the school board have decided to shut the school down for the remainder of the year. Students will start being transferred home today, and there will be anywhere from ten to fifty students leaving a day. For any student who lives here since this is where their parents work, they will be sent home with a friend until notified otherwise. The grades will be closing and finalizing today and there will be no makeup work. And until this problem is solved, no one will be returning to the school. Thank you" Tony said. The room filled with chatter as the whole school talked about the recent notification. "I'm going to talk to Tony" I said standing up.


The others ended up following me over to Tony. "I'm not leaving" I told Tony as I approached him. "Grace, we aren't starting this now, you are going home" Tony said. "No. I started this, so I need to be the one to finish it" I told him. "Grace, no one is staying, there will be nothing to finish" Tony said to me. "Do you read believe that?" I asked him. "No really do you? Because of you do I will leave, but if there is the slightest possibility that you think you may be wrong than I am staying, and there is nothing you can do about it" I told him. He was silent for a moment. "Fine, you can stay, but the minute this turns south you are being evacuated" Tony told me. "Fine" I agreed. "I'm going to stay too" Gabriel said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Not surprised, I'm guessing you three are staying too" he said turning to Sam, Dean, and Cas. "I wouldn't miss something like this, even if the world was ending" Dean told him grinning. "Oh and Charlie said she was going to stay too" I informed Tony. "Well why don't we just have a fucking party" Tony said throwing his hands into the air.

A few other people, who were on the list, came over and said they were staying. It seemed almost as if we were raising an army and were about to fight a war. The students who ended up staying were; me, Gabriel, Charlie, Sam, Dean, Cas, Loki, Jack, Rory, Amy, River, Merry, Pippin, and Kevin. I looked around at my group of friends and knew that no matter how this went down, I would be with friends the whole time.

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