Chapter 17

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        We walked out of the principals office and back up to my dorm room. "I'm assuming that since we are back together that we will be going to this dance together, or is that the wrong impression?" Gabriel asked me as we walked. "Oh it's definitely the right impression" I said, grinning up at him. "Sweet!" He said and he leaned down to kiss me. We stood in the hall kissing for a moment when one of the other students shouted out "Get a room". Neither of us moved though, other than my finger that is. After a few more minutes we finished the walk to my dorm room. No one was in the dorm though so we just sat on my bad and we talked. I tried to keep it off me as best as possible and learn as much as I could about him. They hadn't really explained much about him in Supernatural. By six everyone else was back in the room. "Gabriel you should probably leave, I need to get ready" I said smiling at him. "Yes ma'am" he said getting up. He gave me one last kiss and left without another word. "I thought that you two weren't going" Dean stated. "Well that was back when we were arguing, but we are obviously fine now" I told him. "Yeah, what ever" Dean said.


        I pulled out one of the dresses I had pack, just in case. It was a sleeveless midnight blue dress. It was longer in the back and dragged the ground just slightly. The front was just above my knees. At the top and bottom was a strip of gems, like diamonds. I changed in the bathroom and when I walked out I slipped on the pair of silver sandals I had to match. I put a blue clip in my hair and put on my midnight blue fedora to match. When the four of us were ready we all headed down. We met up with Gabriel and Charlie at the door to get in. "You look beautiful, sweet" Gabriel grinned at me. "Thanks" I said as I looked at the ground blushing up a storm. They started letting people in and Gabriel insisted on paying for me. As much as I didn't want him too. When we were in we found a table to put our stuff at.


        Four of the five of us sat down. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm just going to request a song real quick" Gabriel said and he walked off. We waited, and watched, and he chatted away with the DJ. After a few minutes he walked back over. "What did you request?" I asked him. "You will see" he told me. I gave him a glare. As more and more people got they turned the lights off and played the first slow song of the night. It was A Thousand Years. A Twihard fan must have suggested it. "I assuming you did suggest this song" I said to Gabriel as we swayed back and forth to the song. "No, not this one" he said grinning. "But it is one of the slow songs right?" I asked Gabriel. He nodded. "I guess I'll just have to keep asking" I told him as the song ended. We walked back over to the table and sat down with the others. "Have fun you two?" Dean asked us. "We could be having more" Gabriel said. I smacked him. "No!" I said pointing straight at him. "You know I wouldn't if you didn't want to" Gabriel said looking at me. "Yeah no you wouldn't" I told him, very sincerely. "Yeah you are right, I probably wouldn't, but that doesn't mean I am, sweet".


        He put his arm around me and pulled me in close so I was laying my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that, talking for a few minutes. I stood up. "I guess it's my turn to suggest a song" I said grinning. I walked over and wrote the title and the author on the paper. I walked back over and continued to talk with the group. After about twenty songs the one I requested came on. I grinned like a fool. "What is it?" Dean asked. "I suggested this song" I said, still grinning. "Well then I guess we are going to have to dance" Gabriel said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me out into the middle of the room. He set me down and the two of us danced. We danced until the song ended and we walked back to our seat. "Have fun again?" Dean asked us again. I nodded, out of breath from dancing so much. "I'll be right back" I told them through breaths and I walked over to the concession stand and got a diet coke. I walked back over and took my seat next to Gabriel again.


        I drank my soda while they talked. Another slow song came on so we got up and danced to it. When it was over we took our seats again and we went on talking. Through out the course of the dance about four more slow songs came on. Gabriel's wasn't any of them. “This is going to be the last song of the night. This goes out to my friend and his girl” The DJ said as the song started to play. I recognized the song, it was one of my personal favorites, Through the Ghost by Shinedown. I smiled at Gabriel. “This one is the song isn’t it?” I asked him. He grinned and took my hand. We walked out onto the floor and he held me close to him as we swayed.


        I sang along to the song as it played. “Speak of the devil, Look who just walked into the room, The guilted and faded Notion of someone I once knew, All the perfect moments are wrong, All the precious pieces are gone, Everything that mattered is just A city of dust, Covering both of us, Did you hide yourself away? I can't see you anymore, Did you eclipse another day? I used to wake up to the colour of your soul, Did you hide yourself away? Are you living through the ghost? Did you finally find a place Above the shadows so the world will never know? The world will never know you like I do, So many silent sorrows You never hear from again, And now that you've lost tomorrow Is yesterday still a friend? All the bridges we built were burned, Not a single lesson was learned, Everything that mattered is just A city of dust Covering both of us, Did you hide yourself away? I can't see you anymore, Did you eclipse another day? I used to wake up to the colour of your soul, Did you hide yourself away? Are you living through the ghost? Did you finally find a place Above the shadows so the world will never know? The world will never know you like I do, Like I still do, Did you hide yourself away? I can't see you anymore, Did you eclipse another day? I used to wake up to the colour of your soul, Did you hide yourself away? Are you living through the ghost? Did you finally find a place Above the shadows so the world will never know? The world will never know you…”

        He kissed me after the song ended and we walked back over to grab our stuff. Which was pretty much his jacket and my hat. He had worn his jacket here but had taken it off some time during it. He walked me back up to my room and gave me a kiss before he left. I walked in and changed and got into bed. I pulled out my phone and messaged my friends. ‘Hey guys’ I sent ‘Better day?’ Elizabeth asked. ‘Yeah! It didn’t start out to great but it is much better now’ I sent ‘OoO What happened?’ Elizabeth asked. She seemed to be the only one who was paying attention tonight. ‘Well when I was woken up this morning I found out that Gabriel had left the school. When me and Cas found him we both learned that he cut to keep from leaving like he did. In the end we both forgave each other and now we are back together. I just got back from the dance that they had tonight’ I sent ‘OoO oh my god! Well congrats on getting back together. Even if it is in the weirdest way possible’ Elizabeth sent. ‘Yeah I know, I’m going to head to bed, I’ll talk to you tomorrow’ I sent to her. I put my phone on the table and fell asleep.

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