Chapter 33

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My eyes fluttered open and I sat up quickly. “Where am I?” I asked, I had very little memory of what had just happened. “Grace, thank god you are okay” Gabriel said. He said sitting in the seat next to the bed I was in. He pulled me into a hug. As suddenly as I had woken up all my memories of what had happened came back to me. The first thing I asked after me and Gabriel had broken away was directed toward Doctor Watson. “Where is she?” I asked him. “Where is who?” Gabriel asked me. “You didn’t tell him?” I asked Doctor Watson. “No, just in case…” “Just in case she died” I finished for him. He nodded. “Can we see her?” I asked him. “Follow me” he said motioning for us to follow.


Using Gabriel for support, we followed him into a small back room. There was one single light hanging from the ceiling, and it was dim and flickering. Laying in one of the life support things was a little baby girl. "Is that her?" I asked Doctor Watson. He nodded. Gabriel guided me over to where the little girl lay, our little girl lay. "She is beautiful" I said to him. He didn't say anything but I felt his grip around me tighten, as if he needed the support now. "Will she make it?" Gabriel asked. "I don't know for sure yet. She was born almost a month early. It's amazing she has lasted this long" Doctor Watson said. "She will make it, I know she will" I said to reassure him, but it was more to reassure myself. "I know sweet" he said and I could feel him kiss the top of my head. "How about Sarah?" I asked him. "I like Sarah" he told me. He tilted my head up, and I could see in his eyes he was worried. He gave me a quick kiss and walked me back over to the bed.


I noticed him standing in the corner then. He was wearing a simple button up and jeans. He had short blondish hair, pale blue eyes, and scruff on his face. I knew who it was, even though it hadn't clicked in my mind earlier. "Thank you Mr. Queen" I said to him. "Please just Oliver, I find it a little strange being called Mr. Queen when we don't even have school" Oliver said. "Thank you Oliver, you saved my life, and quite possibly my daughters too, if she makes it through this stage" I said to him. "It was nothing, we are all fighting right now because of you, might as well do my part" he said smiling. "Well, still thank you" I said again.


Tony walked in wheeling another stretcher. "Got another one for you Doc" Tony said putting the stretcher next to me. "How many?" I asked. "Grace, please..." Gabriel said in a warning sort of way. "No, how many people?" I asked again. "We lost six today, and another nine were injured" Tony told me. "Oh" I said. I had thought it wouldn't be that many people. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. "Grace this isn't your fault" Gabriel said, trying to reassure me. "How isn't it? If I hadn't passed out you wouldn't have had to get me out of there" I told him. "But we wouldn't have known about the poison, all of their weapons have been laced with the curare that they found in you. There would have been fifteen deaths, instead of only six deaths. "Yeah, but we could have delayed the battle. They were just keeping us in there, they weren't attacking. And if I hadn't been poisoned then Sarah wouldn't... she wouldn't be..." I didn't need to finish for Gabriel to know what I was saying. "I know sweet" Gabriel gave me a sympathetic smile. "I don't want her to die Gabe" I said to him, as a tear rolled from my eyes. "She isn't going to die. If she is anything like you, she will make it" Gabriel said. He placed his hand on the side of my head. "I hope so Gabe" I said.


I turned to Docto Watson who was sitting at his desk. "Who died?" I asked him. He looked a bit skeptical with telling but he did talk. "Amy, Rory, Jack, and a few teachers" he told me. The person next to me sat up suddenly, taking in a large breath of air. "I hate it when that happens" Jack said. "Okay, I can take Jack off the list of deceased" Doctor Watson said to himself.


There was a knock and the door opened. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie all walked in. I smiled at them. "You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" I asked them, my joking side coming through. Dean chuckled slightly as he sat at the end of my bed. "No I didn't. How are you?" He asked me. "Sore, weak, tired" I listed for him. "But I'm perfectly fine other than that" I added with a smile. "Good, than I guess that means I can stop worrying" Dean said. "Dean you don't need to worry about me, I'm just a friend" I said to him. "Grace, you are pretty much an honorary Winchester at this point, so yes, I do get to worry about my little sister" Dean said grinning at me. I could feel my face heating up. "Thanks Dean" I said to him. "Now get better" I said smacking the side of my leg. "Don't worry I will Winchester" I said to him. "You better Miller" he said, his grin widening. "You better look after her" Dean said. "Don't worry, I will Dean-O" Gabriel said, taking my hand. "Yeah, you did a great job at that earlier today" Dean said sarcastically. "Well it wasn't my idea to send her out there" Gabriel argued. "No, it wasn't, it was my idea because I wanted to help as best as I could while I still could, but now I can actually help" I said smiling. "No, you aren't helping, you are going to do what you have always done, while you still can" Dean said. He clearly hasn't been told.


I grinned at that realization. "Do you want to meet her?" I asked him. "Meet who?" Sam asked. "Come on, follow me" I said smiling widely and standing up. I was a bit unstable for a second but I was able to regain my balance quickly. "I'm going to see Sarah" I told Doctor Watson. He nodded at his desk, and I pushed to doors open. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie followed me over to where Sarah was all hooked up to life support. "Sam, Dean, Cas, Charlie, this is Sarah" I said with a smile. I grasped Gabriel's hand next to me and he held on tightly. "Doctor Watson said he isn't sure if she will make it" I told them. "She is beautiful" Charlie said to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you Charlie" I said to her, putting my hand on top of hers. "We better be heading out" Dean said turning to us. "Okay, I'll see you guys later" I said. "Congratulations" Charlie said, giving me a hug. "Thanks again Charlie" I said to her, and the four of them left.


Me and Gabriel walked back into the other room. "You know we haven't thought about who is going to be the godparents” I said to Gabriel. “No we haven’t” Gabriel said. “Well Charlie is clearly going to be the godmother” I said to him. He nodded in agreement. “I think Cas should be the godfather” Gabriel told me. “Yeah, I think he will be perfect” I said to him with a smile.


I tripped over my own feet, since I was still a bit weak, and caught Gabriel’s arm as I fell. I saw a slight flash of pain in Gabriel’s eyes as I pulled on his arm and he caught mine. He lifted me back up onto my feet. “Are you okay, did I hurt you?” I asked him when I was stable again. “No, why would you think that?” Gabriel asked me. “Because I just saw your eyes flash with pain a second ago” I told him. “I’m fine” He said with a plastered on smile.

I grabbed his arm in disbelief and pulled up his sleeve. Across his left lower arm were small, fresh, cuts. “Dammit Gabriel, I thought you had stopped” I said to him. “No, I just hadn’t been doing it as often. I was getting better, I just thought I was going to lose you and Sarah” He said. “Wait, I thought you hadn’t know that Sarah had been born yet?” I said to him. “I hadn’t, I thought that with you dying that something may have happened to her” Gabriel lied. “No, that is a lie. Gabriel I’m not stupid” I told him. “I know sweet, I know” He said to him. “So why don’t you tell me the truth” I told him straight out. “You want the truth? Okay. Yes I did know that Sarah had been born, but there is a one in a million chance of her surviving this, and I just didn’t want to get your hopes up” He told me. “Gabriel, that is our daughter” I said to him. “I know, and she is most likely going to die” He told me. “No, don’t say that. Please. She will make it, I know she will” I said to him. I could feel the warm tears on my cheeks. “You wanted the truth. As much as I want her to survive, it’s not likely” He said to me. “So why don’t you save her? You have your angelic powers” I said to him. “I’m only limited to certain stuff, I can’t…” “Oh don’t give me that limited crap stuff. This is our daughter and she is dying. I don’t give a fuck if you have to break the rules to save her” I said to him. “But maybe there is a reason that this happened’ Gabriel said. “Yeah I know what it is” I said. I pulled off the necklace that hung around my neck and dropped it to the floor. It was followed by the ring on my finger. “And don’t you ever come near me again” I said to him, and, using as much strength as I had left, I ran out of the room.

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