Chapter 25

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Gabriel was released the next day after breakfast. He came up to my dorm and we lay next to each other on my bed. “So, when are we going to find out what it is?” Gabriel asked me. “I don’t know, a few months” I told him. I could feel him nod beside me. “We should probably talk to Tony about getting that house soon” I said to him. “Yeah, we probably should” Gabriel agreed. I sat up and got off the bed. “Where are you going?” Gabriel asked me. “We are going to get that house we need” I said to him, pulling him up. He sat up and the two of us left.


We walked down to Tony’s office, he was actually in there this time. “Gabriel, I see you are healing fast” Tony said. “Yeah, I guess it helps being an angel” Gabriel said. “So, what do you guys need?” Tony asked. “We are in dire need of one of the houses” Gabriel said. “Explain” Tony said motioning with his hands. “Well I’m expecting, and so we need a place for the baby to be able to sleep and live” I told him. “Okay, well if you could just fill out these papers we will find you a suitable house” Tony said as he handed the papers to us. We took them and filled them out together. When we were done we gave them back to Tony. “Oh, Tony, have you arrested Gadreel yet?” I asked him. “Yes, but we can only charge him on an account of attempted murder, not for the murder of Samandriel” Tony told us. “That is okay, as long as he makes it behind bars” I said. “Well, congratulations and good luck, you aren’t the first person here to have this happen to them, but you are probably the youngest” Tony said. “Uh, Thanks Tony” I said, smiling and we left.


“So I know a really good ring store if you want to go look at those while we are out” Gabriel said to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Okay” I said grinning. I followed him to a little store not far from the dorms. We walked in and, even though it was a small store they had a huge selection of handcrafted rings. We browsed around for a little while. I wanted the perfect one, not to ornate, but not to simple. After about a half hour I chose one. It had a simple diamond in the center and it was surrounded by smaller sapphires. Gabriel paid for it, since it was the engagement ring, and he slid it onto my left hand ring finger. I smiled and kissed him, throwing my arms around his neck. "There now we are properly engaged" he said smiling at me and he kissed me again.


We walked back to my dorm chatting happily about upcoming events in our life. We walked back in and Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie were all still in there. "Well I see you guys had a good time" Dean said, noticing our cheerfulness. "Oh my god no way!" Charlie shouted suddenly. Everyone looked at her confused, including me and Gabriel. Charlie rolled her eyes and walked over to me and held up my left hand, motioning the ring on my finger. "You never miss a thing do you Charlie?" I asked her. "Not normally" she agreed. "Wait, you two are engaged?" Dean asked, trying to catch on. "Yeah, since yesterday" I told him. "But we just got the ring today" Gabriel added to my statement.

We walked in and closed the door, resuming our earlier place on my bed. After about ten minutes there was a knock at the door. Dean opened it, since he was closest, Tony was standing there and me and Gabriel sat upright. "The trial is going to be in a month, they want Hannah and Gabriel as witnesses, I guess they are believing your story of being a prophet Hannah" Tony said and he walked off. Dean closed the door and everyone went back to what they were previously doing.

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