Chapter 4

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        My alarm went off the next morning at six. I grumbled and sat up. None of the boys were up yet. I grinned to myself. I found a few buckets of holy water under the boys beds. So I grabbed two buckets. I took one bucket and on a silent count of three I dumped the water across the boys, grabbing the second one, I did the same, this time it reached Cas. Dean was glaring at me. “Oh this isn’t over Maille” Dean said to me. “What so it’s last name basis now Winchester” I said to Dean. We were glaring at each other for a few minutes. “Come on, we are going to miss breakfast” Sam said.


        I grabbed my clothes and changed in the bathroom. When I re-entered the the room I got a pie in my face from dean. “Fuck you Winchester” I said “Hey, you started this Maille” Dean said. “Yeah, yeah, whatever” I said. When I walked past Dean though I took some of the pie and smeared it on Dean’s clothes and face. I wiped my face on one of the towels I had broughten with me. “Now, lets go to breakfast” I said. I walked with the three boys, both ma and Dean in edge, anything could happen at this point. We went through the breakfast line. I got some pancakes and home fries. We walked over to a free table. We started to eat and we were joined by Charlie and Gabriel. “Hey bitches” Charlie said as she sat down. “Hey Charlie” I said “So what’s happening this morning?” She asked. “Well other than waking up to a bucket of water being dumped on you, nothing really” Dean said. “Well you also pied me Winchester” I said to Dean. “Touche” Dean said to me. “So where are you guys going to first block?” Charlie asked us. “I have Religion first” I said. “Same with me and Cas” Gabriel said. “Me and Sammy have a free period” Dean said. Sam gave him a look but said nothing to Dean.


        The bell rang and we all got up. “See you boys in pranking” I called to Sam and Dean. “Likewise” Dean called back to me. I walked with Gabriel and Cas to the religion room, which wasn’t that far away. We walked in and the teacher was standing in the front of the class. I took a seat in the desk behind Gabriel. Cas sat next to him. The teacher had glasses, a sort of scruffy beard, and brown hair that was almost kept down. It was Chuck Shurley. I grinned. I liked Chuck in the shows. Another kid sat down behind me. He had long black hair and he was asian. It was Kevin Tran.


        When the late bell rang Chuck removed his glasses. “Hello class, I’m Chuck Shurley, and this is religion class” Chuck said. He pulled out some papers. “Now I’m going to be passing out some papers, if you can read it you will be staying in this class, if not you will be asked to leave” Chuck said. Gabriel turned back to me. “He does this every year, the only people who ever stay are the angels, good luck” Gabriel said to me. When I got my paper I looked at it. It was the demon tablet and it told me exactly how to close the gates of hell. I read through it, trying to remember key pieces, although Supernatural helped me to remember some of the things. “If you can read it could you please stand up” Chuck said. Me, Kevin, Gabriel, and Cas all stood up, along with a few other people, who I assumed were angels. “Great, those of you sitting, if you could please leave, the office is waiting to put you into other classes.


        The rest of the students stood up and left. There  “Come closer please” Chuck said. I recognized the rest of them. Lucifer, Raphael, and Michael. Anna was also there. Then there was Samandriel and Uriel too. Me and Kevin were the only humans in that class. It was a little awkward actually. “Okay, I want you to all partner up please” Chuck said. Gabriel paired with Cas so I turned to Kevin, since he was human. “Hi, Do you want to be my partner?” I asked him. “Ah sure” Kevin said to me. I turned my desk so we were facing each other. “Hello, I’m Hannah Maille” I said to him with a smile. “I’m Kevin Tran” Kevin said. I wanted to say yeah I know, but I didn’t. “It’s nice to meet you Kevin” I said to him. “Yeah you too Hannah” Kevin said.


        Chuck handed out another piece of paper. This one was a biblical word search. “The first pair to finish get a free homework pass for all week, the rest of you will have to do it” Chuck said. I looked down at mine, there were fifty words. “Crap I hate these things” I said to myself. I looked over at Kevin and he already had five words circled. “Slow down there, we need to be working together, that’s why we partnered up” I said to Kevin. “Sorry, I tend to go ahead, other people slow me down” He said. “Yeah I know what you mean” I said. I circled the five words that Kevin had circled, which were Adam, Garden, Apple, Lucifer, and Angel. Me and Kevin each took a couple words and we looked for them, when we found them we would tell the other and show them where it was. I had twenty two words, which were, Gabriel, Michael, Apocalypse, God, Arc, Noah, Animals, Mary, Jesus, Cain, Abraham, Temptation, Joseph, Moses, Prayer, David, Saul, Sin, Jerusalem, Ezekiel, Hebrew, and Prophet. Kevin found all of his words before me, I had found the first ten. He took the six of my twelve remaining ones.

        I found my last one just as Kevin did. We showed each other them. “Done” We both called out. We grinned and highfived. “You aren’t that bad Hannah” Kevin said. “Thanks, you are so bad either Kevin” I said to him. “Hannah and Kevin, you both don’t have homework for the rest of the week” Chuck said to us. “Damn Hannah, how did you guys do that?” Gabriel asked us, since he was sitting across from us with. “Advanced Placement” Kevin said to him. “Yeah I can honestly say it was pretty much all him, I only found sixteen words, because I suck at these things” I said to him. The bell rang and we left for our next block which was pranking, this was going to be very interesting.

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