Chapter 37: Family Meetings.

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Today is a odd day for me. It's a day for 'bring your parents to school' sort of thing from what I understood. But what makes this odd for me is that well.... Do I need to tell you I'm a orphan? To be fair I probably shouldn't make such a fuss on it since Asia and Xenovia also are orphans. But still it makes me kinda sad seeing all these families here, proud of their son and all... *Sigh*.

"So Buchou. What do you think on this family school day?" I decide to try and make some conversation with Buchou, she's been a bit quieter as of late. In fact she looks a bit worried about something.

"...... I am not interested."She sighs. If I have to guess she's worried her parents will embarrass her or something, I mean, supposedly that's what parents are for most of the time. Of course not that I'd know. Anyways, class was about to start so I bid Buchou adieu as I walk into class and quietly take my seat. Hearing the other students chit-chat.

"M/N" Before I knew it, Xenovia approached me. Not that I mind obviously. I'm not doing anything anyways.

"What's up?" Xenovia lowers her head after my response. Odd.

"Sorry for saying that sort of thing suddenly the other day."Huh? What did she say again........... Oh yeah! That embarrassing time she wanted me to get her pregnant....

" I kept on speaking without thinking about you." Believe me, speaking was the least of my worries that day considering you almost raped me...

"Suddenly doing that kind of thing is difficult after all, I think."where is she going with this...?

"That's why----" Xenovia takes out something from her pocket. Is that...?

"First we should practice using this." Xenovia opens a thing packed in a small pouch in front of my eyes.

A condom? Oh...

I slam my head on the desk, hoping I die from head trauma as the class gathers around us. I hear everyone whispering and mumbling stuff. And a bit of glaring from the perverted trio. Probably claiming I took another girl for myself.

"It's good for Asia to use it as well. Unplanned sexual intercourse would hurt both of you. The relationship between men and women is difficult."

With that Xenovia handed over a piece to Asia.

"?" Asia had a questioning look but the perverted glasses Kiryuu, without letting a single hair escape, kept whispering to Asia.
Suddenly Asia started blushing.


... Asia fainted. Blushing almost as red as Rias's hair.

"I don't feel like dealing with this right now..." I mutter while getting up and walking off of class. Missing one class wouldn't kill right? Plus I really don't want to hear the end of whatever things people will be muttering or whispering... *Sigh* i miss my childhood friend Xenovia. And I hate this new blunt one... But it's who she is, isn't it? People change... I probably changed alot over the times too... I guess I can't do anything about it... Well, not necessarily. I can just get to know this new Xenovia I guess. Even if she doesn't remember the special bond we had, I do. And I won't give up on her!


"Ah, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."I say quickly getting up and doing a bow in apology to however was it I bumped into.

" Oh, M/N-kun! It's been a while!"A familiar voice says as I lift my head and see... Who was she again? She has brown hair... Looks like she's in her mid thirties... Amber eyes... Reminds me of someone in class...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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