Chapter 30

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I want to thank WritersBlock039 for helping me come up with some of the ideas in this chapter.

Oliver's plans for recruiting Felicity again suddenly vanished when he dug deeper into her files and found that despite the change in reality, Felicity's timeline had remained the same. He was wishing he'd done more extensive research into her before, since then he would've realized how emotionally unstable she was. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that recruiting Felicity had been a mistake and her past of disregard of his authority was proof of that.

"So, why are you looking into other tech support options. What happened with that Felicity girl?" John asked.

"I dug deeper and realized that she's too emotionally unstable to join this team." Oliver said as he showed John his findings.

"Okay, I get that. But still, we could use someone on the comms watching our backs." John said and Oliver nodded.

"Agreed. I'm looking into other candidates, but this Felicity girl, while she has her uses, she can't be trusted in the long term." Oliver said and John nodded as the girls entered the lair.

"Is everything okay?" Oliver asked, seeing the looks on Laurel and Sara's faces.

"Sara has something to show you guys on the training level." Laurel said, much to their surprise, since their lair was divided up into two floors. The top one was where they stored their suits and served as their command center while the bottom floor served as their training ground and garage.

"So, what do we need to see?" John asked when they arrived.

"It turns out I wasn't the only affected by the accelerator explosion." Laurel said as Sara took a deep breath before releasing her own sonic cry in the same target range Laurel used to train.

"Looks like we've got two metahuman canaries." Oliver said.

"Looks like now we get to have some role reversal. Me as the teacher and you as the student." Laurel said to her sister, who rolled her eyes.

"I think that this also increases our need for a tech genius to help develop technology to help you both control your powers. We can't keep talking to Cisco. We need our own specialist here." Oliver said.

"So, how do we get one we can trust?" John asked.

"Sara, why don't you go talk to Alex at Argus, see if she can lend us one of their techs?" Oliver said.

"Okay, I'll head there now." Sara said as she left the base.

"Is there a reason you asked Sara to do that?" Laurel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You did see the way Sara reacted when Alex entered the Argus base. And I'm pretty sure it's reciprocated. Who knows, if things work out between them, we can use that to help us better solidify our relationship with Argus." Oliver said.

"So, not only are you trying to fix my sister up, you're also trying to use her to help our relationship with Argus. Didn't know you had it in you." Laurel said.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Oliver asked.

"As long as my sister is as happy as I am with you, no." Laurel assured him.

"Good." Oliver said as they kissed.

"Speaking of being happy, I've gotta a date with Lyla. I'll see you guys later." John said as he headed out.

"Sara, what a surprise, what can I do for you?" Alex asked.

"Oliver was wondering if we could commandeer one of your techs here and asked me to be the one who asked." Sara said and Alex smiled.

"Well, I think I can spare one tech, but it will come at a price." Alex said.

"And that price is?" Sara asked.

"You have to go out to dinner with me." Alex said with a smile.

"So, you're using this as a chance to ask me out?" Sara asked.

"Well, is it working?" Alex asked.

"Well, considering that I would've taken the date for free, yes. Honestly, I was wondering if I was gonna have to ask you out or if it would be the other way around." Sara said and Alex smiled.

"Why do I get feeling that this was your friend Oliver's plan from the beginning?" Alex asked.

"Because he's dating my sister and it seems some of her tendencies have rubbed off on him." Sara said, but honestly, she wasn't that angry at him.

"Also, I know you have a job as a bartender, but I think I know a job you can have that benefits both Argus and your team." Alex said.

"And what might that be?" Sara asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Come work for Argus, part-time reserve agent or maybe as a trainer for our newer recruits. You'd have actual security clearance to Argus files, which can benefit your team and you can also put your training to use in your career here at Argus, since we could use an agent of your skills. Everyone wins." Alex said.

"I'll think about it. Now in the meantime, which tech were you thinking of giving us?" Sara asked.

"Agent Schott." Alex called as Winn Schott rushed over to her.

"Yes Director?" Winn asked.

"Relax Winn. I know you've been looking for a change of scenery outside of this base, so how would you like to work with the Green Arrow?" Alex asked.

"Is this a joke?" Winn asked, since honestly, his dream was to work with actual heroes and Sara rolled her eyes at that.

"No. I work on the Green Arrow's team and we could use some tech support." Sara said.

"Oh I can definitely do that." Winn said.

"He can. He's one of our best computer specialists and inventors. I'm sure he'll prove to be an invaluable member of your team." Alex said.

"Can I get his file first. I'm sure the Green Arrow and the rest of my team will want to evaluate him before we invite him to the party." Sara said and Alex nodded.

"I'll send his file to your system." Alex said.

"Great. And Alex, I'll call you tomorrow so we can figure out everything for our date." Sara said and Alex smiled as she nodded as Sara left.

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