Chapter 97

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"Well, did you manage to recover anything from the police body cam footage?" Laurel asked Winn as he went through the archives of the police footage.

"Most of it happened too quickly, but the cams of one of the officers did catch something." Winn said as he pulled it up on the main bunker screen for the whole team to see.

"Wait, is that?" Sara asked as they saw a familiar mask in the building grabbing her father.

"No it can't be." Oliver said.

"Really, because it looks like Deathstroke." Laurel said.

"That's impossible. Slade is still locked up on Lian Yu." Oliver said.

"Is he?" Sara asked as she looked over at Alex, who was already on the phone.

"I think I can do one better than a phone call." Kara said as she and Barry entered the bunker.

"Barry, Kara, glad you guys are here." Oliver said.

"Sorry this is how you have to spend the last few days before your wedding." Barry said.

"We've delayed until dad is found. All the guests understood. Tommy actually said he'd send help from the League if we needed it." Laurel said.

"But anyways, Kara, what do you mean?" Alex asked before hugging her sister.

"I can fly Oliver to Lian Yu now and check on Slade. It'll be much faster." Kara said.

"And I'll do a superspeed search around the city for your dad." Barry said and Laurel nodded, right as a breach opened and Cisco and Caitlin jumped out of it.

"Iris and Ronnie will come up here tomorrow assuming nothing pops out in Central City while we're gone." Cisco said and Oliver nodded.

"This is even better. Cisco, I need you to open a breach to Lian Yu." Oliver said.

"Okay but why?" Cisco asked.

"Because I need to make sure Slade Wilson is still incarcerated there." Oliver said and Cisco nodded before opening up another breach which Oliver then went through.

Oliver was relieved when he found Slade still in his cell in the prison.

"Hey kid, what brings you back to the island?" Slade asked and Oliver was surprised by how sane he sounded. He guessed it took the mirakuru a shorter time to wear off from Slade this time around.

"I needed to make sure that you were still in lockup." Oliver said.

"Where else would I be?" Slade asked.

"There's someone running around Star City dressed just like you in full Deathstroke gear. I needed to make sure you were still here." Oliver said.

"You know, my suit was actually distributed at ASIS. Mine isn't the only one." Slade said.

"Okay, how have we had a decent conversation without you threatening to kill me? You seem different then the last time I saw you. You seem." Oliver said and Slade chuckled.

"In possession of all my marbles?" Slade asked with a chuckle and Oliver nodded.

"The mirakuru wore off a few weeks ago kid. But I still remember everything. You were right. Shado, she would've been horrified by what I'd become trying to avenge her. But I still remember it all, like it's some bad dream." Slade said.

"Trust me, it was a nightmare. But are you the man I knew on Lian Yu?" Oliver asked.

"I'm back in my right mind now and I think I actually have an idea on who my look alike is." Slade said.

"Who?" Oliver asked, though he was starting to get his suspicions.

"It's my son." Slade said.

"Joe?" Oliver asked.

"While we were on Lian Yu, the kid took after his father, went to join the Australian Intelligence Service." Slade said.

"Do you have any idea why he'd take Laurel and Sara's father?" Oliver asked.

"My best guess would in attempt to trade him for me. Though I'm not sure if Joe wants to save me or kill me." Slade said as Oliver opened his cell.

"Well then, I say we find out." Oliver said.

"What?" Slade asked.

"If it is your son out there, then you could provide us an advantage." Oliver said.

"Your friends at Argus will never agree to this." Slade said.

"They will if they find out it's to help get Quentin back." Oliver said and Slade nodded as he walked out of the cell and Oliver texted Cisco to open another breach back.

When Oliver came through the breach, everyone there was surprised by who came with him.

"What the hell are you doing here you son of a bitch?" Sara demanded.

"Sara, it's okay, he's here to help us." Oliver shouted.

"Him, help us. That's hilarious." Sara said.

"It's true Ms. Lance. Especially since I believe I know who took your father." Slade said and that immediately got Laurel to stand down.

"Who did it?" Laurel asked.

"My son Joe. I guess it's true what they say, like father, like son." Slade said.

"Makes sense. Joe might've taken Quentin in an attempt to leverage us into handing Slade over to him." Alex said.

"You can't seriously be considering it." Sara said.

"Sara, there's a big chance that Joe will want to kill me, not save me." Slade said.

"Why?" Sara asked, genuinely curious.

"Because I broke a promise to him. After the Amazo, ASIS found me and rescued me. I promised Joe I'd never leave again and the Mirakuru faded for a time. But it came back when I found out Oliver was alive and it was like a storm I couldn't control. My son saw the absolute worst side of me and now he's trying to emulate it. I would not be surprised if he's trying to carry out my plans." Slade said.

"Wait, we're still going on the assumption that this is Slade's son we're talking about. We need more of a guarantee." Barry pointed out.

"Do you have an image of Joe's current appearance?" Cisco asked.

"Hold on a second." Alex said as she used her clearance to pull up an image of Joe's ASIS file, included an image of him.

"What are you going to do?" Slade asked.

"I'm going to vibe Quentin so we can find him a lot more quickly." Cisco said.

"Use this to vibe off of?" Laurel asked as she handed Cisco something.

"What's this?" Cisco asked.

"Dad's old cop badge from before he made detective. I had it on me for when you arrived for this exact reason." Laurel said and Cisco nodded as he took it and started vibing.

"Well?" Sara asked when Cisco was done.

"Slade was right it's his son. And your dad is still alive, but he looks beaten. We need to get him to a hospital." Cisco said.

"Where is he?" Laurel asked.

"It looked like they were in a warehouse." Cisco said.

"It sounds like Joe is using the same place to hide that I did when I first arrived in Star City." Slade said.

"So, what's the plan?" Kara asked.

"Use me to gain entry so we can better determine Joe's intentions. Oliver can make it look like you're trading me for Detective Lance and then the rest of you can take it from there." Slade said.

"That actually sounds like a decent plan." Laurel said.

"And we don't have time to come up with a different one, so let's get moving. Suit up everyone." Oliver said and they all nodded as they moved to suit up.

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