Chapter 2 (Yin)

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I've been living with the Sun family for 5 years. Consisting of 4 members, there was Mr. & Mrs. Sun, Yang - the oldest - and Yale.

My father was in the military while my mother worked as a journalist in another country. When my father passed away in the field, my mother was unable to take care of me due to her career so she left me under the care of her best friend, Mrs. Sun.

A few months earlier, Mr. Sun was asked by his company to transfer to another city and yesterday was the moving day. Mrs. Sun went with him to support him and they took their 8 year old son, Yale, with them.

Yang and I chose to stay behind to finish our studies as I was in my last year in high school while Yang was in his last year in college.

At 1st his parents were unsure of this arrangement as we would be left by ourselves so they wanted me to go with them. After we discussed and I told them I didn't want to repeat my 4th year in high school since the school year had already begun, they eventually agreed.

This arrangement was also partly due to Yang as he was their responsible, scholar son and was given the role of my guardian until graduation.

When I arrived here years ago, Yang and I had hit it off well as he walked me to our school for a year but when he entered college, he became too busy with his studies and wasn't able to do so anymore. Our relationship dwindled until we barely made any conversation in the past 4 years.

Despite this, I knew from what his mother tells me and what I know of him from the past that he is friendly and normally easy going but is also responsible and took his studies seriously.


"Will you be having dinner here?" I asked after finishing my meal after exactly 15 minutes. My utensils placed neatly on top of my clean plate.

It was part of the routine to ask everyone if they would be home for dinner so we knew the amount to cook, sometimes it was me and sometimes it was Mrs. Sun. With the latter absent, I was the only one left to do this task.

He looks up and smiles, "No, I'll be staying at a friend's house till late evening"

This was one of his standard replies. Yang had many friends and went out with them regularly. If it wasn't to go out then it was for a group study.

I nod as I take my dishes to the kitchen and climb up to my room to finish my preparations to go to school.

When I walked back down with my backpack, I expected Yang to be gone as he usually is but saw him leaning against the wall by the entrance way.

"Shall we walk to school together?" He offered with a warm smile. I thought offhandedly that he got his looks mostly from Mrs. Sun. Soft yet clean cut features, fair skin and dimples. He was the sort you'd instantly think was a likable person and when he smiled, it would drive the idea even further.

Yang had never offered to walk together ever since he entered college. I was uncertain and curious of his sudden offer but not opposed, "Why?"

"We'll be going to the same campus anyway and my class doesn't start until later" Our school was an escalator school so it housed elementary, high school and college.

I remembered the times he used to walk me to school during 6th grade when I just transferred in and started living with them. How disappointed I was when he couldn't do so anymore.

"Alright. I just need to do the dishes first" I made my way into the kitchen.

"Already did"

I halt at seeing the clean kitchen sink, the dishes neatly stacked on the drying rack. I look back at his smiling face.

I was uncertain again but nod in thanks before picking up my back pack again and walking out with him.

"Since it's only the 2 of us now, why don't we split the chores? I want to get familiar with house work before I start living by myself" he suggested as we trekked to the bus station.

I nod in understanding internally as I had wondered why he suddenly did the dishes when he'd never done so before, "Auntie told me you'll be going to A City for work"

While I rarely spoke to Yang, his mother on the other hand was talkative and told me all kinds of information when I was home. From personal matters, her whims, gossip, and especially things about Yang and his younger brother. When she talked about Yang, one could tell she was proud of her beloved son.

"That's right. My professor will be recommending me to his family company after graduation. It's far but I'll have more opportunities there" I imagined him in crisp suits, greeting business associates and holding meetings in a large room that overlooked buildings that reached the sky. The image was quite fitting especially since I knew Yang was smart and hardworking.

"I'm sure you'll do well" I say plainly.

His smile becomes brighter as he reaches out and pats my head, "Thanks, Yin"

The feeling was strange but pleasant though I didn't think much of it.


We were waiting for the bus when Yang told me, "Even though these past few years I haven't been able to be there for you, now that there's just the 2 of us I want to make it up to you until graduation so if you need anything or need to talk to someone, feel free to come to me at anytime"

I was surprised at his kind words. It was regrettable that he became so busy and we never managed to spend time together anymore. Although I was probably never going to go to him with my troubles, the gesture itself made me happy.

I smile at him, "Thank you"

Yang smiles back at me widely, a bright smile that looked like it would chase storm clouds away.

My heart gave an odd thump and I frowned, placing my hand on my chest curiously.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his smile dropping.

I waited but the thump didn't repeat. It was probably due to the exercise from the walk. I shook my head, "It's nothing"

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now