Chapter 31 (Yin)

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The morning I woke up, my body ached in places but I was calm and languid like a well fed kitten, curling up against the heat source next to me.

When I opened my eyes a second later and saw a very male and very naked chest, I yelped in shock and sat up away from the body. The same time I noticed it was Yang was also the time I noticed I was also naked.

I grabbed the comforter to cover myself, the shift causing the fabric to reveal that Yang was not wearing any pants.

I blushed until I was as red as a tomato, the memories flooding back in causing me to become even more embarrassed.

Oh god. I did- We did- Me and Yang we- Oh dear. Oh god. Oh dear.

As I was having a mental breakdown, Yang pulled my arm until I was lying against his chest.

I wanted to push him away but he prevented me from doing so with his strength.

"Good morning, Yin. Stay here, we don't have classes today anyway"

"But- But last night we-" I stopped unable to say it out loud as I looked up at him. I was so flustered I forgot to even stop myself from questioning him.

"What? The sex?"

I looked at him in horror for being so casual about it as he laughed and hugged me tighter. I wanted to wrestle away but then he settled down and asked quietly, "Did you not like it?"

I stopped and despite feeling embarrassed, I shook my head. There was no part of last night that I didn't like. "No"

"Good" his voice was relieved and I realized I was falling into the dream again.

Last night will only fuel my dream even more. But will it be enough to shadow the reality that I was a replacement?

My thoughts took a turn for the worst when Yang suddenly shifted, reaching under the pillow.

I froze in fear, unable to stop him as he looked at the screen and read the message I hadn't finished writing.

His face was calm as he read it then he smiled, a smile with no warmth or happiness. He looked at me with hurt eyes, "I thought you said you loved me"


Vague memories flood back that I had said I loved him last night.

And I do. I do love you, Yang.

I tried to defend myself but he continued speaking as he sat up, "So you wanted to run away after all. You wanted to leave me"

"No, that's not-" I said in a panic.

"I don't want to hear it!" he yelled angrily and I backed away, frightened, "I don't want to hear your excuses! Is this how you repay my kindness after all I've done for you? You'll leave me without a word and throw away all the love I have in my heart as if it meant nothing?!"

I was floored, stunned beyond words. Yang loved me? Yang loved me?! Not as a replacement but as me?

I stared at him stupidly, my brain unable to catch up as he stood up and began to dress briskly.

Am I dreaming? Is this real? Yang said he loved me? What about the mystery girl? Did he forget her? Is he lying? No, Yang wouldn't need to lie about that so it can only be true. He loved me. He really did love me.

Yang loved me.

I snapped back from my stupor as a large smile started to spread across my face, elated beyond belief. I wanted to cheer and to dance. My dream had come true.

I tried to grab him to solve the misunderstanding, "Yang. You're wrong I-"

He turned to me full of resentment making the smile on my face disappear, he shoved me back to the bed angrily, "Shut up! I knew taking things slowly was never going to work. I should've just claimed you the moment we were alone. I was stupid. I knew your heart wouldn't be swayed no matter how long I waited" he paced back and forth like a caged animal, seething with anger and regret.

I tried to reason with him again but he dismissed me again. My dream was so close. Why did I have to write that text?! Why?!

He stopped pacing, staring at me with eerie calm, his eyes unfocused. He leaned forward and grabbed my arms tightly, making me cry out but he seemed unaware of his strength or that he was causing me pain, "If I can't have your heart then nobody else can. You'll stay by my side until you either learn to love me or we perish together"

He kissed my lips before I could speak, pushing me down on the mattress. I wanted to clear the misunderstanding but I was mindless again for a long while later.


I was left drained in bed, breathing heavily as my limbs felt like gelatin. He was rougher than last night, making sure he had me until he was satisfied and preventing me from saying a word in protest.

He took my cracked phone and sat back down next to me, stroking my face and hair lightly. A strong contrast from his earlier rough treatment that left many little bruises all over my body. My wrists had ones that were shaped like his fingers as he held me down.

"But you know I expected this, Yin. I knew you would contact our parents at one point or another. I'm surprised you didn't do so sooner" he smiled amused but the cheer didn't reach his eyes. He looked dead. Lost and hopeless.

Then he sent the message I was typing.

My eyes widened in shock until I heard the message notification sound from within the room.

He fished his phone out of his pocket where the message was clearly received on the device. He smiled at my shocked expression as he scrolled through my phone for his parents number then hit call.

His phone started ringing, the tune of 'Symphonie Fantastique' by Berlioz since I've asked him the name of the song before. It continued to play for a full minute then stopped as my phone said the caller was unavailable.

I looked at him as he watched me until I broke the silence, "You changed their number to your own so I can't contact them. You broke my phone on purpose" I said, my voice filled with disbelief as he nodded.

"And now you won't need this one either" he pocketed both phones and he stood up as I struggled to sit up, "I'll go prepare lunch since we missed breakfast. I expect you to be washed and dressed downstairs before I finish then we'll talk about our future"

"I love you!" I exclaimed desperately as he stopped in front of the open door, "I've loved you for a long time. You mean more to me than anything in the world", I hoped with everything I had that he'll understand. That he'll stop all this as soon as he learned that I loved him just as much as he loved me.

He turned back to me and smiled again, "I know you badly want to leave me Yin but telling me lies won't change my mind" then he walked out and the door closed.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now