Chapter 28 (Yin)

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This arrangement was abnormal but I adjusted to it eventually. Frankly, the threat did little to affect my life. At times I forget it even exist... unless I asked for something he found unreasonable.

"What have I told you about my friends?" Yang asked through gritted teeth after we stepped through the front door.

"But they're nice people. Why can't I go with you guys?" I asked sadly.

His 3 friends who I met last time had chanced upon us going home from school and invited us to go with them to karaoke. I hadn't been to such a place and was instantly excited but Yang refused them with a smile.

When I tried to say otherwise, he gripped my arm tightly out of their view and he told me we should go home to watch some video tapes. I realized his meaning which rendered me silent before he bid them farewell and we went home.

"I've known them longer than you, Yin. When I say you can't go with them, you can't go with them. Or anyone for that matter. Do you understand?" he grabbed both my shoulder, his grip was heavy as he glared at me.

I wanted to protest but fear made me unable to.

"Or do you not remember what happened in this very room?"

I froze then looked away, a blush peppering my cheeks despite myself.

"Do you understand?" he asked again, his voice lower and calmer.

I nodded. He looked satisfied at my consent and he kissed my lips before releasing me.

I was stunned by the sudden action as he hadn't kissed me since that time in the kitchen but my heart fluttered all the same. I didn't know if I loved it or hated it. Maybe both.

When I walked into the kitchen and saw him busily making dinner, I knew I wanted him to kiss me again.

I was probably still a replacement in his eyes but I couldn't bring myself to ask who the girl was or why he wasn't pursuing her.

Because despite the threats and the hatred I felt under the surface, I wanted him to pay attention to me. To hold me even if he didn't love me.

I felt ashamed.

Why have I become like this?

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now