Chapter 13 (Yang)

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Yang walked out of the building feeling tired yet refreshed. They had just finished making all the preparations for their report tomorrow, all that was left was the presentation and they were officially done.

"Yang! We're going to the usual place to celebrate. Are you coming?" Dave asked with a large grin.

"Yeah, Yang. You don't hang out with us anymore these days. Our friends in the next class missed you too" Aubrey whined, pouting.

"Sorry. You guys know I'm taking care of my aunt's daughter while my parents are away. I'll go next time"

"Isn't she in high school already? At that age, I was already working 2 part times jobs while still going to school" Aubrey scoffed.

"Lay off, Aubrey. Yang is just being a responsible guardian and should be commended for his dedication" Lee defended. He also had 2 younger sisters so he could understand the responsibility, "Don't worry about us, Yang. Just do a good job in taking care of her. It must be hard on her too since her mother's away and she's all by herself" he sounded forlorn as if he felt for the girl's non-existent pain. Aubrey rolled her eyes at him.

"Thanks, Lee" Yang smiled.

When Yang looked away, he noticed the dark blue uniform near the tree line and his heart skipped a beat when he recognized Yin. She sat there quietly as she read, exuding an air as if she was detached from everything around her. That if he blinked, she'll disappear.

Yang's smile widened as he prepared to walk toward the love of his life.


"Honeymoon Bell!" Dave suddenly exclaimed as his large athletic form shot forward straight towards where Yin was.

A surge of anger ruined his good mood as Yang cursed internally and he sprinted after him, regretting asking Yin to wait for him outside the gate.

High school students seldom went to the college section despite being in the same campus so she stood out like a sore thumb.

He almost wanted to yell at everyone to stop looking at her.

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