Chapter 3 (Yin)

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Although I was concerned, the strange thump didn't occur again so I dismissed it and continued my routine.

With only Yang and I, we started to talk more, mostly during meal times. I found that Yang had not changed much as compared to when I knew him in 6th grade or from the impression he gave these past 4 years. He was still friendly and easy going, not losing his cool even when accidents occur around him or things don't go his way. He was also still serious with his studies since I always see him with a book, notebook or handout in hand after dinner. He sometimes even reads on the bus to school. If anything had changed, it was that he grew a little taller and his facial features had become sharper giving him a mature yet free spirited vibe. Couple that with his bright smile (I secretly dubbed it his sunshine smile), he looked like a carefree, wind spirit that had a bit of a mischievous side.

Yang was also helping out around the house in preparation for when he started living by himself. His parents wanted him to concentrate on his studies and didn't allow him to work about so when he 1st started to help, he was inexperienced and made many mistakes. Eventually though Yang got used to the work but his cooking skills still needed improvement.

"I think this' burnt" I said nonchalantly at the pieces of sliced meat on the plate, the top side was completely charred.

Yang slumped over the table in defeat, "I forgot to set the heat down from high and ended up burning them"

His defeated state was pitiful so I didn't reprimand him but this meant we didn't have any dinner, "Just make sure to check the heat level before cooking. It's only been a week since you started, you'll get the hang of things" I said in an effort to comfort him.

He nodded as he stared at the ruined food sadly.

Feeling uncomfortable at seeing his gloomy mood, "Why don't we order take out for now? What do you want?" I walked out of the kitchen to go to the home phone in the living room.

He quickly perked up, following after me, "Let's have McDolan's"

The chores became less of a burden and I sometimes end up staring into space with nothing to do.

The TV showed post dinner time drama in the living room as I stared at it with disinterest. I'm bored.

I'm used to helping auntie around the house until late evening (from cleaning, washing, folding and looking after the little one) but now that there were less things to do and less people to take care of, I become idle starting from 8, too early for bedtime. I didn't have any homework to keep me busy either.

"Can you get me some lemonade from the fridge, Yin?" Yang was also in the room as he looked through a thick book on economics. Papers were scattered on the small coffee table.

I casually got up to get the pitcher and 2 glasses.

Yang started staying home more frequently as he was concerned about leaving me alone all the time but he was always busy doing paperwork or studying. He used to stay in his room to study but he felt guilty asking for snacks all the time as his mother used to do, so he moved to the living room where it was nearer to the kitchen.

I came back with a tray in hand as I also grabbed some cookies as a snack. Yang's back was to me and I noticed how wavy his light blonde hair was. He had kept it long to a little past his collar and they seem snow white when he's under the sun.

His waves were natural and one can tell he takes care of them; they were even prettier than a woman's hair.

I placed the tray down and started filling the glasses as I thought about my own straight black mane. I was always busy so I never had time to go to the salon to get regular trims and I've never been particular of my appearance either. Should I buy a better conditioner at least?

"Yin?" A hand landed on my shoulder and startled me, causing me to drop the glass I was holding over the coffee table and spilling its contents everywhere.

I panicked and grabbed the papers on the table to prevent them from getting damaged but sadly, some had already been soaked by the juice.

"I'm so sorry, Yang. I didn't mean to" I apologized, quickly separating soaked ones and dry ones so they don't get wet. The water started spilling over the table as well to my distress, I'll need to get a mop and rag.

"It's okay. They're just handouts, I can ask my professor if he has any extras" Yang reassured me as he bent down to take the papers I was hastily separating, "Can you get a rag so we can clean this up?"

Still feeling guilty, I nodded and returned with the mop as well.

He looked at me sadly as he held what looked like my phone, "I'm sorry. It's been damaged by the juice. I'll buy you a new one this weekend"

I remembered that my phone was on the table when the glass spilled but I was too worried about the papers to notice it was also caught by the disaster. I took the device which still felt damp and tried turning it on a few times with no luck. After opening the casing, the entire interior was soaked, I wanted to cry.

This phone has been with me for 4 years all throughout high school. Although I didn't use it much aside from texting, calling and random photos, it was still my 1st phone.

I settled my sorrow quickly as we got to work in cleaning up the spill.

When Yang handed me my new phone during the weekend, I remembered I forgot to tell him not to bother doing so and wanted to refuse. But Yang insisted, telling me he asked his parents for the money to buy it for me and that he can't return it anymore for a refund.

I couldn't decline anymore when I heard this and thanked him sincerely, noticing the model was even better than my previous one. I kept my old phone though, hidden away in a drawer because I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now