Chapter 21 (Yang)

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"Why do you need to do everything?" Yin asked as I worked on my group project... by myself. I was unlucky enough to be partnered with both Josh and Trisha. 2 people I wanted to refuse but couldn't say no to.

I looked at her as she sat on the sofa beside mine while we were in the living room. She was watching TV and I was reading through the reference book I needed for the project.

She had previously been asking me about the steps so I could finish the project. Out of boredom, I presume. Although it slowed me down, I welcomed every bit of contact and conversation we had.

I laughed awkwardly, "It's complicated. They're both busy" Trisha was too busy hanging around her boyfriend and going out with her friends while Josh was doing about the same thing. I hated both of them.

"Busy enough not to help?" she asked innocently.

Yes, but I couldn't say the word, staying silent as I continued to work.

"Aren't they your friends? Shouldn't friends help each other?"

They are, Yin but now I wished they weren't.

"That's right. Friends should help each other" I answer offhandedly as I continued to concentrate on my work. Yin didn't speak after that.


After a week with almost no sleep, I finished the project. I was glad it was finally over. I was about to sign the other 2's names but hesitated.

Friends should help each other.

These words haunted me as I worked on this project. When my eyes could barely stay open and hurt from all the reading and my fingers cramped from typing everything down, the words would whisper to my ear. I tried to approach both Josh and Trisha to discuss it with them but they both turned me away with a smile, telling me that they trusted me to do the work well and that they'll only hold me back when they were there.

It was plain to see they didn't want to help at all.

Friends should help each other.

But then they weren't my friends, right?


"What the hell, Yang?!"

"How could you not write our names in the project?!"

Both Josh and Trisha confronted me when the assignments were returned. The group only having one name listed at the front page.

I continued to pack my things calmly, getting ready to go home.

"I've talked to our teacher before I made it, and she understood when I told her I was the only one who did everything. Both of you also refused to help whenever I approached you"

"That's because you always do everything!" Josh exclaimed angrily.

"Yeah, Yang. You always helped us before. Why are you changing your mind now? Aren't we friends?" Trisha said as she came forward to grab my arm, I evaded her as I stood up.

Friends? Do you 2 even know the meaning of the word? Did anyone of my so-called friends do? I wasn't your friend. You were only using me. I was probably just some kind of slave to you all.

My anger wanted to burst free and throw all these words at them. Make them see how much they've made me suffer. Venting out all the injustice I felt since I was in 1st year.

But I calmed myself, breathing slowly, imagining Yin's smiling face which helped calm me down significantly and steeled my resolve.

I smiled at them, my usual cheerful smile. I've gotten used to smiling like this to hide how I really felt, "The teacher told me you 2 can still discuss it with her so she can still give you a grade. You better hurry though as she might be leaving soon"

They panicked and Trisha bolted as soon as I was finished talking but Josh stayed behind to glare at me before he followed her to the staff room.

Of course that was a lie. I had talked to our English teacher as I was submitting it and since she knew my history, she was certain I did everything myself. It was also their carelessness for not asking me if I did everything correctly or if I listed their names. Both had only smiled my way when the teacher asked to submit our work.

The project had a significant impact on our grades and since Josh and Trisha's grades were just average, they might fail and be unable to graduate.

I was at fault too for not telling them my plan until this period when the grades have already been finalized and we only needed the graduation ceremony.

But then I knew this was all going to happen from the start.

A smile lit up my face again as I walked home, feeling as if a set of heavy chains finally rusted away and freed me.

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