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Captivity did things to people, especially when you have no one to talk to for hours on end. I tried to find things to entertain myself but when I've observed every nook and cranny of my room as I didn't have any hobbies to begin with, my mind started to rot away. The resistance and hope and despair and anger mixing together until everything was just bleak.

The hopelessness made me feel like I was slowly dying inside, tired of feeling anything and from feeling too much.

Yang was the only one that could drive a wedge in the bleakness. My anger ebbing away as he cared for me, made me happy with his stories and the occasional gift and loved me tenderly.

Soon, when Yang came to the room, it felt like a burst of rainbows and sunshine had come. Like spring had finally bloomed after a long cold winter and the very gods had descended from the sky to ease my wretched soul. My worries, doubts and fears had vanished, leaving only bliss when he appeared through the door and sadness at his every departure.

My life literally and figuratively revolved around Yang.

When Yang visited me for breakfast a week before we moved to A city and almost a month after I was held prisoner, I looked from my window showing the urban landscape to him and smiled, "Good morning, Yang"

"Good morning, Yin" the door closed and the tray was put down as he walked to where I was sitting on the window cushions.

He bent down and kissed me where I accepted his love wholeheartedly.

When we separated and he patted my head, my mind savored his touch, even leaning into his hand. He smiled again, his sunshine smile.

"Ah. I've broken you" he sounded relieved and also sad, "Do you still want to leave me?"

I shook my head, "I never want to leave you"

His smile widened and the sadness faded, "I'll start keeping the door open now so you can roam around but don't leave the house at all cost, okay? Can I trust you Yin?"

I nodded, "Yes, I understand"

"Let's go to the dining room and have breakfast there. I know you miss going downstairs"

I followed him like an obedient puppy wagging its tail. The familiar parts of the house I haven't seen in so long, feeling alien to me. Too spacious but fascinating. I didn't dare stray far from his side.

We climbed down the stairs and when I spotted the front door, I stopped, looking at it calmly.

Some distant part of my mind remembered the feelings of wanting to escape. The desire for freedom.

Maybe Yang had been right, of course I wanted to build a future with him but that was probably not my main agenda.

I wanted to be free. I was suffocated. I knew being watched was abnormal. I hated that I had no right to my privacy. I wanted him to stop it, to allow me to breathe without him looking down my shoulders. Watching and judging my every move.

But freedom didn't come with Yang. His paranoia and controlling behaviour wouldn't allow it. He needed to know where I was and who I was with otherwise it'd drive him off the wall. He needed my complete obedience and due to some twisted set of events, I needed his control too.

I used to hate my 2 choices because neither one would have Yang in the end.

But now, I have one choice where he was there. Where I know he loved me and where I loved him too, despite his resolve to believe that I was lying.

"Yin" he called me calmly and I looked at him standing at the entrance way to the dining room. Watching me, waiting for what I would do.

I looked back at the front door, seeing myself running and opening it to the outside world. Breathing in the fresh air and the dearly missed taste of freedom.

But I walked forward to Yang. My light steps bringing me closer to him.

To him and only him.

Yang's lips form his sunshine smile, his expression like a beacon of light as he opened his arms and hugged me tightly.

I relished his warmth and closeness, my heart calming to a steady pace as I listened to his own.

If freedom meant leaving Yang then I'd rather stay here. Caged within his embrace.


Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now