Chapter 9 (Yin)

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"I told you there's something wrong with him" Gavin said the next day at school as we sat in the cafeteria after I recounted what Yang said. I wished Nina wasn't meeting with her friends in a different class and Lyka wasn't busy elsewhere so I could have avoided this conversation.

Gavin never talked about Yang when those 2 were around and I used to appreciate his tact (since I don't want them thinking badly of Yang and I don't want to tell them how I'm involved with a well known college senior in the 1st place) but now I regret it.

"Yang just values his privacy and I'm only living there temporarily so he owns the house and makes the decisions. He's also my guardian" I defended but a part of me was upset by Yang's refusal, finding it unreasonable. A small tiny part.

"That's not it. Have you ever seen anyone of his friends go to his house?"

I was silent, knowing that was true. I've never seen any of his friends at all even though he talks about them frequently. He always says he'll stay over at someone else's house but not once had he offered to do the same even if I knew the size of the house could accommodate them.

Taking my silence as a yes, "Maybe there's something in the house. Something he's hiding"

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure but it must be something important that he doesn't want others to find. Have you tried going into his room before?"

I remember the multiple times I've been there but that was years ago, I didn't know what's changed in that room or if it's changed at all so I shook my head.

"Start there then and when you do find something, you should consider moving out"

I was shocked. How did this suddenly escalate to that? "Moving out?"

"He might be dangerous, Yin. You might end up getting hurt" a tinge of worry crossed his features and although I felt touched at his concern, I was still largely skeptical.

"Yang isn't dangerous" I stood up, not wanting to be part of this conversation anymore but Gavin followed.

"All I'm saying is he could be. He's shady" he tried to drive his point but when I didn't reply, he looked frustrated, "If you don't find anything, I'll drop this entire thing with Yang"

I stopped, looking at him for 2 heartbeats, waiting to see if he'll take it back, "Do you promise?"

"I promise"


I got home early, an hour before Yang usually went home.

I stood in front of his door wondering why I was doing this, why I shouldn't do this and what brought me to this point.

I trusted Yang, I really did but maybe hearing all those stories from Gavin gave way to a seed of doubt? It wasn't like there wasn't any evidence, Yang was popular but strangely unattached, sociable but mysterious, and he refused to let anyone come to the house. Maybe his classmates didn't even know where he lived.

Maybe going in here will give some hint to why he was like this.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door carefully and walked in, closing it behind me. The sound of it closing made me miss hearing the front door opening downstairs.

The room was surprisingly just how I remembered it, a little larger than mine and was clean and orderly. The only visible changes were the added trophies and medals displayed on the shelf as well as the added school books lined up neatly. There was still a plush tangerine ottoman close to the door and it felt like I haven't sat there in forever.

I shook the nostalgia away and realized I wasn't supposed to be in here. I felt like an intruder and immediately wanted to leave but remembering my purpose, I steeled myself and went to his desk 1st. There was nothing on it except for a pencil mug and a Rubik's cube so I checked the drawers which were full of school supplies and random knickknacks. I saw nothing that stood out as suspicious but on the last drawer was only a single brown leather book with a lock. Maybe a diary but where was the key?


I jumped, standing up quickly with the book still in my hands. My nerves wound up tightly from fear and shock.

Yang stood at the entrance way with his bag swung on one arm, looking at me strangely while my eyes were wide and a look of panic was across my features.

Why was he home so early today?

My mind scrambled for what to do but nothing that would save me from his wrath. I felt like a thief and wanted to flee.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry. I was just- just..." my mind trailed off, not coming up with anything believable or reasonable.

"Snooping around?" he supplied, his expression calm.

"No! That's not. No. No, I'm not..." I looked up at him, the reality sinking in that there was no escape. I was caught red handed. I quickly bowed and exclaimed, "I'm so sorry"

He walked forward then he lifted his hand and I thought he was going to hit me as I braced myself and closed my eyes but he only tugged on the book in my hands, taking it away and placing it on the desk behind me.

He smiled and asked with an amused tone, "Why are you here? Be honest. I won't get mad"

His assurance didn't offer any comfort and only fried my nerves further.

I was already caught, I didn't want to make things worse for myself by lying. I internally thought I would make a bad criminal.

"I wanted to know your secret. I wanted to know why you were so mysterious and why you didn't want anyone coming here" I burst out, keeping my head bowed, tears coming to my eyes from the guilt and fear.

"Did anyone put you up to this?"

I stiffened, "No"

My chin was seized roughly as he pulled me up to look at him, his smiling expression which looked like it brought sun into any room, now only bringing a dark fear, "I told you to be honest"

"It- It was Gavin" my body felt limp as my tears continued to fall. A trace of pity appeared on his face before letting my chin go, wiping the tear streak away with his thumb.

"I knew he was a bad influence on you. It's my fault for not warning you earlier. Now don't cry, I'm not mad" he took his other hand and wiped at my other cheek.

My head and heart were a mess, unable to resist his gentle touch.

Yang continued to console me. Hugging me gently until the tears stopped.

We went down for dinner after my eyes dried.

I was too gloomy with guilt and from crying to cook properly so Yang had done it for me. Despite his failures at the culinary arts in the past, he had improved a lot with time and practice. Too bad I was too upset to really taste the food before me.

"I know you might not like this but I suggest you keep your distance from Gavin from now on. I'm concerned he might be fooling you and trying to use you against me"

I raised a brow, "Against you?"

"His sister was a classmate of mine before. The girl had confessed to me but I refused her gently. She may have taken it too hard though so Gavin might be harboring a grudge"

I was shocked at the information. Unaware that something like that had happened between them.

I wanted to deny it, that Gavin wouldn't do such a thing but after processing everything so far, how he seemed to hate Yang and how he wanted me to believe Yang was a bad person, I finally understood that Gavin was using me for some kind of revenge.

I felt betrayed and lied to. I almost gave him things to incriminate Yang too! I was a fool who danced to his tune.

"I understand" my expression was twisted in anger at both him and my ignorance.

Yang smiled his cheerful smile, lightening my mood a little. Why did I ever find this smile frightening when it was so beautiful?

I thought back to Gavin making me doubt this smile and I was annoyed again. I should never have trusted him.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now