Chapter 5 (Yin)

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"Hey Yin. Have you gotten prettier?"

I looked up from my school work with wide eyes, "I am?"

My seatmate and the closest person I have to a friend, Nina looked me up and down, "You look like you're blooming. Are you only hitting puberty now? We're almost 20" she joked and I blushed.

"What are you saying? Of course not"

Did I really look pretty? I did start paying attention to my appearance recently and even brought some face cream for my skin.

I wonder if Yang noticed.

The thought was unwanted and made me blush even more.

"Are you in love? Do you have a boyfriend?" she started to gush excitedly, attracting the attention of the girl in front of me who was my other closest person to a friend and was Nina's best friend.

"You have a boyfriend, Yin? Miss Single-since-birth tied the knot?" Lyka looked up from her phone with an expression of shock.

"No, of course not"

"Are you hiding him from us? C'mon tell us"

I shook my head rapidly, "There's no one, I swear"

The 2 continued to tease me which attracted the attention of the person sitting behind me, Gavin, "Why are you 2 so noisy? Just leave Yin alone"

Nina pouted, looking to the interloper, "It was just harmless teasing" then she turned to me again, dismissing him, "Why don't you tell us who you're in love with? Haven't we been friends since 3rd year?"

"Is he handsome? Cute? Rich?" Lyka added excitedly.

"Really there's no one" I was getting more flustered.

"That's no fun. Tell us"

"Tell us, Yin"

They continued to coax until I felt myself snap, "There's no one like that, okay?" I exclaimed, standing up to make my point where in the next second, I realized the whole class had gone silent and was looking at me.

I wanted to cry in embarrassment and hide away as I sat back down and slouched over my desk. My arms coming up to cover my head.

I heard traces of laughter around me and the person behind me say, "I told you so" as Nina and Lyka apologized for going overboard. I didn't bear any ill will but I was still very embarrassed due to my outburst.


"I'll treat you to pizza to make it up to you, Yin. I'm really sorry" Nina said to me at the end of classes.

"No, it's fine. I have to go home early today" since Yang was having dinner at home. I didn't want to miss it.

"Just once. I know you're part of the Going Home club but just this once to make up for teasing you"

I felt uncomfortable at declining her sincerity but Yang could be waiting for me.

Before I can refuse again, my other classmates heard us, "Are you guys going out for pizza? Where?"

"Are you going to B Pizza Palace?"

"Oh! I want to go!"

They started to converge around us as Nina and Lyka pitched in their consent. In the end, I couldn't refuse anymore.


I'm sorry. I can't make it to dinner today. I'm out with my classmates

I texted Yang before we went into the shop, wondering if he'll get annoyed.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now