Chapter 18 (Yang)

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"What the hell, Yang? I thought you finished my homework. We have class in 5 minutes" my friend, Josh said with irritation as I continued to write on his notebook speedily.

"I'm sorry. I fell asleep early last night. I'll finish this, don't worry" I said without looking up from my work. My writing was starting to become unreadable with my haste but I didn't dare stop.

I finished just as the teacher came in, handing the notebook to him as he sat down a few seats away and I breathe a sigh of relief for finishing on time.


The next day, I was called to the teacher's lounge and found Josh standing in front of our English teacher, his head bowed.

"Mr. Sun, sorry to call you away from lunch but I wanted to talk about something with you two" the woman in her 20's said as she gestured to 2 notebooks on the table. One was Josh's notebook and the other was mine.

I stiffened, "What is it?" I asked nervously.

She opened the 2 notebooks and stopped on the parts with our assignment on it, holding it up for us to see, "I know that this' your handwriting, Mr. Sun. Not to mention you copied it word per word. Your teachers also know that you've been letting your classmates copy your work"

I couldn't speak, shocked and afraid. I could only mimic Josh's pose and bow my head down in shame.

"That's not true!" Josh suddenly said then he pointed at me accusingly, "Yang's the one who copied from me. He forced it out of me!" he shouted angrily and I was astonished. Amazed at his audacity.

Wasn't he the one who was angry at me for not finishing it in time? And now he says he's the one I copied from? Is he mental?

Our teacher looked at me, "Is this true, Mr. Sun?"

Of course not!, I wanted to say this but I saw the desperate look behind the anger in Josh's eyes.

His grades weren't very good and I knew that if I admitted that he was cheating, he could end up failing this subject. While I was a top student and failing this won't affect my grades by much.

I hesitated, uncertain. Not willing to take the fall but feeling pity for my friend's situation.

Then I bowed my head while balling my fist at my side, "I did copy from him. I'm sorry, teacher"

My teacher was shocked and the others who heard us shook their head. Who wouldn't? The evidence was as clear as day. One was written neatly and the other was written in a rushed fashion and was unreadable in places.

But here we were, the original saying he's the one who copied.

Josh smiled in triumph, "See, teacher? I'm innocent. Yang's the one who cheated"

I gritted my teeth, glaring at him without raising my head.

He faltered but regained his composure, "What're you glaring at? You're the one in the wrong" then to our teacher, "Can I go back now? Lunch is almost over"

The teacher was helpless and could only nod, leaving me behind as I seethed in rage. I regretted letting him copy from me and I especially regretted lying. If it wasn't for our 3 years of friendship, I would've broken off from him immediately.

I knew Josh was arrogant but this time it was misplaced. Did he not even have a shred of guilt or gratitude for what I did?

"Why did you lie?" the woman asked, looking at me with pitying eyes.

And here I am in the line of fire while he happily skipped out to lunch. I felt a deep sense of betrayal but I couldn't bring myself to expose him.

"I'm not lying" my tone was grave, clearly showing my reluctance to say so.

She sighed, "I know it's good to stand up for your friends who are in need but I can't condone cheating in my class. Since you admitted it, I'll call your parents and talk to them about this"

I gasped, panicking, "No! Please. Can't we just say I got a zero on the assignment? There's no need to call my parents" I say desperately.

She shook her head, "Cheating is wrong, Mr. Sun and although you didn't do it yourself. You have been letting others do so which is just as bad. Go have your lunch and go to class. I'll call your parents after school" she dismissed me and I could do nothing but walk out the staff room, dejected.

When lunch was over and I walked back to the classroom, I saw Josh there happily talking to our other classmates, unaware of how much trouble he was putting me through.

He looked at me when he noticed my entrance but then turned away to continue talking to his friends, ignoring my existence.

I hated him every since.


When I got home, my mother was busy cooking in the kitchen but my father wasn't home yet. My teacher will probably call soon.

I ran up to my room and locked the door, wanting to hide away from the storm that was about to come.

I waited in a corner of my bed anxiously then jumped when there was a knock on the door.

I didn't want to answer it as I thought it was going to be my father.

"Yang? Are you in there?" I heard Yin's voice through the door and I was relieved it wasn't him, getting up from the bed to open the door half way.

"What is it, Yin?" I ask with a smile.

Her eyes widen, "Are you okay?" she asks in concern.

Did my distress show on my face? But I'm smiling though. It must look too forced. I willed myself to relax so I would look more natural, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing. Did you need something?"

"Dinner will be ready soon and I was asked to call you. Shall we go?" she stepped aside to let me through but I was reluctant to do so, still afraid of hearing the phone ring. Like a guillotine blade was about to fall on my neck but I don't know when it'll drop.

Aside from the minor troubles I caused as I kid, I've never gotten in any real trouble and was a model student and son. I didn't know what my parents would say or do when my teacher called and it made me all the more anxious.

Yin started to get concerned at my lack of movement, keeping the door half closed as if I was ready to shut it at any time, "Do you not want to have dinner yet?"

Her question drives me from my thoughts and I take a moment to form an answer for her, "Yeah. It's something like that"

I heard my mother call us from downstairs and I flinch.

Yin looks at my reaction silently, "Yang's helping me look for something, auntie. Please start without us. We'll be there in a few minutes" Yin announced and when my mother answered with an "Okay", she looked back at me.

"I'll stay here until you're ready to go downstairs. Can I sit inside?"

I looked at her, bewildered then wordlessly opened the door to let her in.

She didn't ask why I didn't want to go downstairs and simply sat on a plush tangerine ottoman to the side.

I couldn't help but compare her actions to Josh. One had framed and abandoned me despite how I helped him while the other had helped me even without knowing the reason and despite us not even being friends.

It didn't take a genius to know who I favored more at this moment.

As I stared at her, secretly pleased at her assistance and kindness. I heard the phone ring downstairs.

My father was furious when the call ended and charged into my room like a bull, shouting in rage.

I took his scoldings, repeatedly apologizing and accepting it all without a fuss.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Yin standing to the side. Looking at me with concern while she and my mother were trying to placate my father.

I was deeply grateful she was there.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now