Chapter 33 (Yin)

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But reality was less optimistic than my thoughts.

Instead of having him warm up to my ideas, he continued to shut me away. My persistence was translated as me wanting to leave him as soon as possible. My desire for our future became my desire for freedom in his mind.

And with each time I tried to convince him, the less Yang trusted me and the more paranoid he became.

"Yang. You don't understand. Open the door" I jiggled the doorknob but it wouldn't turn.

I knew it was strange to have contractors in the house during a weekday on the last day of exams but Yang had said it was for some plumbing problems in the basement.

Who knew that when I come back home, my windows would be barred and bolted shut and my door's lock would be changed and switched from locking on the inside to only outside. My room had become my prison.

"Not until you stop pestering me about leaving me" he said through the door and I was both hurt and angry at his distrust.

"I'm not going to leave you. I never wanted to leave you. Why can't you just listen to me? Why is all that is true a lie and all that is false true to you?"

"Because you keep lying to me, Yin. Do you think I'll trust you after trying to escape again?"

I remembered looking for his phone in his room, hoping to contact his parents so they can convince Yang of his madness but I was caught before I could even dial.

"I wasn't trying to escape. I was trying to help you"

"Help me?" he laughed with humor, "Oh Yin, do you think you can deceive me? Stay here so you can reflect on what you did"

I banged on the door with a fist, "But I did nothing wrong! Yang, just listen to me. Why won't you listen to me?" I cried desperately but when I heard no reply from beyond the door, fear encased me.

"Yang? Yang! Yang, answer me. Are you there?!" I continued to call but he didn't reply.

I stepped away from the door, knowing he had left and trapped me here with no escape. My familiar comfortable bedroom felt strange when I wasn't allowed to leave, it felt oppressive and frightening. As if the walls were converging on me.

I climbed into bed and curled up against the headboard.

Yang said I needed to reflect. Once he knows I've reflected, he'll let me out. I just needed to wait for him.


The next morning, I woke up after falling asleep last night without realizing it. The sun beamed down through the windows, the bars outside casting long thin shadows on the floor. It was discomforting knowing Yang would go so far. I didn't even want to know what he'll do when he completely owned the space I would be housed in.

The door opened soon after and I was relieved Yang would finally release me until I saw him with a tray of food in hand.

"Good morning, Yin" he said with his sunshine smile, blind to how disturbing this entire situation was.

I looked at the door as it closed then at him, "Can I go out now?"

His smile dropped as he placed the tray on the bedside table.

He reached over to rub my head soothingly and I hated the feeling of my insides melting, the feel of his touch not losing an inch of its effects on me despite all the things he's done.

I knew I still loved him with all my being and I knew I still had to try to reach him.

"Yang, I-" I began but he cut me off with a shushing sound. The sound was soothing.

He said gently, "Exams just ended. You should rest for now. I still need to make arrangements for my graduation and for where we'll be living in A city. Eat something. I'll bring your lunch later in between classes" he bent down to kiss me deeply.

Then he straightened and walked to the door, about to leave. I panicked.

"Yang, what about school? I still need to go and I have my graduation march practice"

His smile was gone and his tone was cold, "You won't be attending. I'll talk to your teachers so I can accept your card and diploma for you. Since exams have ended, you don't need to go to any of your classes anymore" then he disappeared behind the door.

I was too stunned to realize the gravity of his words. Then I was running to the door. Turning the knob, banging on the door and calling for him to let me out. But he had long left, the house was empty except for me.

My reflection time was now with an indefinite time limit. I knew that the only time I'll ever be able to leave was when we went to A city but if I tried to escape, then what?

This wasn't like when I thought Yang didn't love me, I didn't want to leave him now. I didn't want to escape and even if I did, Yang would be angry when he caught me and then he'll do something worst than locking me up. I'm thankful he hasn't hurt me to submission with how warped his mindset is but if I push too hard, would he eventually succumb to his rage?

The thought frightened me and I was losing hope in ever trying to convince Yang.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now