Chapter 22 (Yang)

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Both Yin and I graduated smoothly, we also both passed the entrance exams and will be going up a department together.

Through the celebrations and parties, a depressing thought kept pressing on me.

I needed to distance myself from Yin.

I couldn't control my feelings anymore, holding them back and hiding them was having an adverse effect on me. The more I hid them, the more they wanted to reveal themselves. The more I tried to control myself in front of Yin, the more I wanted to touch her.

I had almost hugged her once too.

I received my acceptance letter and announced it in the living room. My mother was thrilled and danced around with my little brother in her arms while Yin had jumped in joy, congratulating me with a smile on her face.

My body had moved on it's own, bending over with my arms opened to embrace her but she realized my sudden closeness and froze, the smile dropping from her face as she took a step back.

I realized my error and immediately straightened, my face becoming hot.

"I'm sorry, I tripped on something" I said lamely and one look could tell she didn't believe me.

We stood in front of each other awkwardly before Yin moved away, saying she needed to get something in the kitchen. My mother continued to cheer without noticing our earlier strangeness.

I can't do this. I'll be exposed sooner or later if I keep being so close to Yin.

I might even do things I'll later come to regret.

"Good morning, Yang" Yin greeted me as I came into the dining room as she does every morning

"Good morning" I said with a smile as I sat down, the food being served by my mother as my father sat on the head of the table reading the newspaper.

I secretly glanced at Yin as she ate, her posture was straight and she chewed quickly. She looked beautiful and elegant even when she was only eating.

My sight was attracted to her pink lips, and my thoughts ran to wanting to kiss her.

How will they feel like? How will they taste like? Will she be shocked if I kiss her suddenly? Will she moan if I kiss her tenderly?

Will the rest of her be just as soft as her lips?

My pants tightened under the table and I wanted to hit my head on the wooden surface to dismiss my perverse thoughts.

My mother suddenly spoke to me about my preparations for college and thankfully, I answered her smoothly. I was also thankful for the distraction, listening intently until my body calmed down.

When I climbed up my room, I glared at my lower half. What if someone saw? What if they noticed? What if Yin noticed? Yin was innocent. How was I supposed to explain this to her? What would she think of me? Won't she be disgusted? Won't she avoid me? Ugh!

If I'm like this when I see her, what if we spend time together in length as she hadn't been to my room recently due to finals? I definitely won't be able to stay in control.

And even if I could, until when will it last?

Even if I did the unthinkable, I know I'll take responsibility. I'd probably be thrilled she was mine. But what about Yin? I can't force her like that, I can't ruin her.

I wouldn't be able to take it if she hated me. If she doesn't want to see me.

My heart twisted at the dark thoughts, the look of scorn in her eyes before she turned away and left me forever.

I slumped against the door defeated. My mind coming to a bitter conclusion.

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