Chapter 17 (Yang)

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I love you.

I want to be with you. To care for you. To marry you. To spend my life with you.

For this I'd do anything. Absolutely anything.

I wished I understood this when we 1st met then maybe I wouldn't have become like this.

Yin had started out as a responsibility. My parents had accepted the task of taking care of my mother's best friend's daughter. A girl 3 years younger than me who others would call pretty with her small face, black hair and pale skin but I took no notice of these things.

She was just my aunt's daughter and my parents asked me to take care of her as my father was busy with work and my mother was busy taking care of Yale.

"Yang, where're the blankets stored?" Yin asked after knocking on my open door and peeking inside.

I resisted the urge to groan at her interruption, I was busy making a 10 page assignment for 5 different people. My friends were all unable to make it themselves since they were caught up with other things and of course, I was happy to help them. This wasn't the 1st time anyway.

That didn't make the work any easier though.

I smiled at her and turned to her direction, "I should have some in here. Let me go look" I stand up and go to the closet, finding one easily and handing it to her.

"Thank you" she bowed and left before I went back to work.

Yin would sometimes ask me for random items around the house when my mother was busy until I wanted to yell at her for pestering me but I always held myself back. My parents would disapprove of me shouting at her for asking such simple questions. I can't afford to upset them.

When Yin started school, I was tasked to walk her to the bus station until she got used to it. I had expected to keep walking her until half the school term but she surprised me on the 3rd day.

"You don't need to walk with me anymore, Yang. I know how to get there by myself" she announced calmly as I stood by the entrance way, caught off guard by her words.

"What do you mean? You've memorized it already?" the walk was short but with various turns. I myself needed to be taken to school for 4 years, granted I was only 7 at the time.


I didn't know how to react, uncertain how I should feel at her refusal of my assistance, "Are you sure?" I ask slowly.

She nods without a change in expression then walks to the front door to declare that the conversation was over.

I continued to look at her in disbelief as the door closed then I adjusted my bag and sprinted after her.

"Wait! Let me walk with you" I say as she stops and turns to me curiously.

"But I already know the way"

"I know but let's go together anyway. My classes will be starting soon too" I say quickly and after a beat, she nods and continues to walk.

I hang back a step to determine if she really remembered. Some petty side of me wanting to prove she was lying about memorizing the route.

Unfortunately, I was wrong and we were soon waiting for the bus at the station.

I look at her back as she stands quietly and I suddenly recall that Yin had never asked me any question twice. She also did things simply and efficiently and if she didn't need any help, she'll do everything alone.

Independent. Yin was independent and my mind somehow couldn't accept this.

I wanted to find something she couldn't do by herself. Something she'll ask me for help no matter what.

My childish thoughts turned until I entered my class where I was greeted by many of my classmates

"Hi Yang!"

"Yang, did you finish the assignment for Math?"

"Yeah, Yang. Can we see your answers? Please?"

"Yang, let me copy your notes for Science. We'll be having a quiz after lunch"

"Why do you even bother? Just sit next to him, he'll let us copy"

"Ooh ooh. Dibs on the left seat next to Yang!"

"I'll take his other side!"

I was surrounded by my classmates and I smiled brightly at them. Helping them out as much as I can and driving the thoughts of Yin out of mind.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now