Chapter 4 (Yin)

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Days pass and my life with Yang continues.

Although we weren't close the past 4 years, we quickly adapted to our duo lifestyle. Getting along once again as if we've never stopped talking.

I understood that this was probably because of Yang's naturally friendly and optimistic disposition. People get drawn to Yang, like butterflies to a flower. I was no different.

"Will I be doing the dishes today?" Yang asked as I sat across him for breakfast.

I shook my head, "No, I will. It's Wednesday today. Will you be having dinner here?"

He nodded, "Can we have curry tonight?"

"But we had that just yesterday"

He smiled whimsically, "You make the best curry, Yin. Even better than my mom's. Please?"

I smiled at his childish plead. Yang had this immature side that only appeared when he talked about his favorite food and although I found it strange at 1st, it's now somewhat endearing.

"Okay. Curry it is. I'll go shopping when I get home" I relented as I continued to eat. My normal 15 minute routine already pass without my notice.

"Can I go with you? My classes end early today"

I nodded, slightly looking forward to going with him.


The sun had yet to set in the sky when we walked to the supermarket.

"So my friend Dave forgot to bring a suit for our presentation and our leader was panicking since we were coming in next and if he didn't wear a suit, we'll be losing points" Yang narrated animatedly as I listened attentively

I knew - and it was no surprise that - Yang was fairly popular at school. I sometimes hear about him from the gossip among the students even if we were in different departments.

It was no wonder though since he was kind, energetic, funny, smart, good looking and when he smiled, it would light up an entire room.

"The clothes were 3 sizes too large and it made him look like a clown! We passed the presentation but I could see the reluctance in my professor's face as he gave us a high mark" I laughed at imagining the middle aged man's conflicting expressions. How he might even shake his head every time he saw Yang's group.

When I calmed down enough after wiping a tear in my eye, I saw Yang staring at me with a smile, "Why don't you laugh and smile more, Yin? You look beautiful when you do"

I felt my cheeks warm, turning away from his bright expression in embarrassment. Yang had this habit of giving small compliments here and there, from my cooking to my appearance. I was surprised at 1st and almost tripped over my own feet (I'm a girl too and being complimented by a good looking guy was a shock to my maiden heart) but eventually I learned it was just him teasing me. It didn't make me any less embarrassed though.

"It's not that I don't smile or laugh at all. I just don't have a reason to. Won't it be weird if I started smiling out of the blue?"

"Yeah, you'll look crazy. People would probably run away"


He gave a cheeky grin, "So I'll be sure to make you smile more often"

I felt my face warm up again and I looked away as he laughed beside me.

I was peeved he was making fun of me but my insides felt fluttery and fuzzy at the same time which made me smile, a small smile, out of his sight.


We walked to school, ate and lived together harmoniously. I felt pure bliss every time I see him and just a little sad when he says he can't come home for dinner or he has to stay over at a friend's house.

When I 1st noticed this, I sat in front of my finished dinner in thought. The seat across mine was empty as Yang was staying overnight elsewhere. I felt a little lonely every time I looked at the vacant seat.

I tried understanding why I feel this way or if I should think about this deeply.

Wasn't I just lonely? I don't have any close friends due to my quiet nature and Yang had been so good to me.

Was I just missing the past? Yang was my 1st friend after going to such a new and unknown place. Sometimes it was like he was the only thing that kept me going after I felt like I was abandoned by my parents. It wasn't their fault though, circumstances just made it seem that way to my young mind.

Maybe these feelings are something else entirely? Or maybe it was all of them combined?

Maybe I already know that it's a powerful emotion that is widely discussed in every TV drama, movie, book and story. The prerequisite to a life full of joy and happiness or pain and heartache.

Regardless I don't want to admit these feelings for fear our relationship will crumble.

Besides I've been living in their house for so long, doesn't Yang just see me as a sister or a responsibility? He probably won't accept it if I said I may like him as more than a friend or brother-figure.

He'll also be leaving for A city soon and I'll probably only see him when I visit his parents for holidays.

I was still uncertain - either unconvinced or in denial - but I was determined to keep these feelings locked away. It's only 7 months before we go our separate ways. I'll make sure he never knows.

I don't want anything to ruin what limited time I have left with him.

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