Chapter 7 (Yin)

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I blushed upon seeing Yang come into the dining room, my eyes trailed on the table as he sat down.

"Good morning"

"Good morning" I greeted back a bit stiffly.

Memories of the bewilderment I felt when I woke up this morning resurfaced and I felt awkward for asking but I'd rather confirm what happened last night rather than have it pester my mind all day, "Yang, did you carry me to my room last night?"

His smile widened, "You slept so soundly that I couldn't bear to wake you up"

I wanted to hide from his smile and run away but a small part was also secretly pleased that he had carried me, even wishing I was awake to remember it.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, sleeping beauty" he teased which made me blush deeper, choosing not to reply as I ate my pancakes.


We were waiting for the bus when Yang's phone rang and he stepped a few paces away to take the call.

I was wondering if it was school related when I heard someone call me.

"Yin. Good morning"

I turned and saw Gavin coming up to stand on my other side. I was only a little surprised to see him since we did get down on the same station yesterday so he must ride the same bus I did everyday, "Good morning, Gavin. Are you waiting for the bus to school too?"

"Yeah" he seemed winded as he breath through his mouth and he was wiping sweat from his brow with his hand as if he had run all the way there.

"Aren't you a little early though? Class won't start for another hour" I asked, curiously. Yang's class started 30 minutes earlier than mine but since he wanted to walk with me (and I wanted to walk with him), I came to school early and usually stayed in the library or the school lobby until class time.

"Oh. I actually wanted-" but he was cut off when Yang came back from his call, standing on my other side.

"Yin" he looked at me then at Gavin then back at me, "Who is this?"

"He's Gavin, my classmate"

Yang smiled at this and reached out a hand to him, "Nice to meet you. I'm Yang"

Gavin shook the hand he offered, his eyes lighting up in recognition, "Ah. Yin told me about you. You're her housemate"

Yang's stiffened but relaxed again so quickly, I almost thought I was seeing things. I looked at him closely but only saw his usual cheerful self. I must've seen wrong.

"Yes, her housemate. I didn't know she talked about me often"

I blushed and cut in before Gavin could reply, not wanting him to think that I gossiped about him behind his back, "Of course I don't. Gavin's the only person I've ever told"

Yang's smile widened, "And I'm just a housemate? Aren't I at least your friend?"

"You are my friend. My closest friend even" I defended but there was a small part that wanted us to be more than just friends. I wouldn't say that though.

"Really? I never realized you thought of me that way. Let me hug you to commemorate our friendship" before I could react, he opened his arms and enveloped me in a hug, squishing my face onto his hard chest as the scent of his cologne surrounded me.

My mind spun as I didn't know what to do, torn between wanting this to end quickly and not wanting him to let go while trying to savor the moment as much as I can.

Physical contact was minimal between us as Yang only gave me random pats on the head and a hand on my shoulder or arm when he needed something. These things were few and far in between.

I never realized I actually wanted him to touch me more. Like some hidden part started to crave for it after each fleeting contact.

Soon it was over as Yang stepped away, the bus had also come so we got on and sat down.

I was still dazed from embarrassment and surprise when he called me, making me turn to him quickly, "Yes?"

Yang laughed, "It's just a hug, Yin. You don't need to be so embarrassed"

Shocked, I touched my face and felt how hot it was. I was probably as red as a tomato as I hid my face with my hands. Yang continued to laugh at my plight.

I was so flustered I forgot that Gavin was also on the bus with us but sitting all the way at the back, deep in thought.


Gavin was recalling the way Yang smiled at him as he hugged Yin. There was something odd about how cheerful he looked.

He felt that it was creepy and filled with underlying malice. As if he was looking at Gavin like some intrusive 3rd wheel. It was a warning.

Gavin shook the thoughts away. He knew he should back off. He only started to get along with Yin and wasn't that invested but he couldn't help but feel that something was amiss.

Where had he heard the name Yang before?

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now