Chapter 32 (Yin)

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I didn't have time to panic or process everything. I need to quickly convince Yang I sincerely loved him. Once he realized this all our troubles will be solved but if I couldn't convince him, he'll only continue to control me for the rest of our school year then we'll have to separate with nothing but heartache between us.

I only have 1 month left, I need to do this fast.

When Yang appeared with food in hand, I was already on my chair, dressed and determined. He set the plates down and I waited until he was seated before speaking.

"Yang. Listen I-"

"School will end soon then I'll be moving to A city. I want you to finish school and come with me. You don't need to go to college since I'll be providing for you" he stated matter-of-factly. Planning my future without consulting me but when has Yang ever allowed me to make my own decisions?

"Our parents will disagree at first but I know they'll allow it eventually. I won't let them stop us. I'll be working while you stay in the apartment I'll be buying there. I won't allow objections" he continued to eat, not even looking at me once.

"Yang. I-"

"What have I said about objections?" his eyes were narrowed and I automatically wanted to back away.

But I continued to push on, my fear of him won't help solve anything, "I'm not objecting" God no. I'd love to follow you to A city but I can't stay locked up at home like some bird in an expensive cage. I want to study. I want to work. I want to help build the future we'll have together. "I'm-"

"Then why are you speaking? I told you you only need to listen to me, Yin. You only need to obey"

My fear was turning into anger, fed up with his overbearing attitude, "I know. I know I only need to follow you. I know everything you do is what's best for me. For both of us. I can't even see myself going on without being next to you. I just want you to listen to me for just a few seconds"

He stopped his movements, looking at me with hints of suspicion and doubt, "I'm listening"

I wanted to cheer in joy but kept it inside, I had to be careful with my words, "I want to help"

The surprise was evident in his face, "Help?"

"I want to help build that future with you. Our future"

He shook his head, dismissing me, "You don't need to do anything"

But I pushed on, "Yes, I do. Won't it be better if there were 2 of us building our lives together? I'll go with you to A city, I'll live with you, I'll be good and I'll be obedient. I'll do everything you ask... but I want to go to college"

"That's out-"

I ignored him and continued speaking, finding a surge of confidence, "I'll study. I'll graduate. I'll work, better if we worked in the same company. We'll be living a stable life that our parents can't refute. We'll get married. Have a few kids then live old together in some cottage in the countryside. Don't you want that, Yang? Don't you want that kind of future with me?"

I was pouring my heart out into this speech, hoping it'll reach him. Hoping he'll listen to me.

Then I saw it. I saw the glimmer of excitement in his eyes. That he also wanted what I was describing to him. That we both wanted that future.

Then his eyes clouded and it felt like bricks had been added to my shoulders, "I see. So you want to study, go out with your friends and work alongside strangers in places I can't see you"

Shocked, I wanted to grab him figuratively, preventing his thoughts from going in that direction, "No, Yang. That's not-"

"Freedom. Our future isn't what you want, Yin but your freedom. You don't want to build our lives together but to break away from me" his eyes clouded with pain and anger and I knew no matter what I said it wouldn't reach him.

But I tried, I tried desperately but Yang wouldn't listen to me anymore. Standing up and leaving me alone in the dining room.

I cried when he was gone. I cried in despair and rage at both myself and him. He who doesn't listen and I who was stubborn and had made him into this. If I had just confessed and if I had just talked to him properly early on, neither of us would be experiencing this pain and neither of us would have to suffer.

Soon I wiped my tears, I still needed to try. I still needed to reach him. I don't care how long it takes, even if I had to keep begging until A city, I'll continue to try to convince him.

If I was persistent enough, I know Yang would pay attention and he'll trust me again. I know I can change him.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now