Chapter 26 (Yang)

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Vance did not get a clue and remained to pester me, dropping the idea that I was into men but insistently asking me about who he deemed Mystery girl. The only thing I ever told him until we became 3rd years and went to different classes was that I had loved her for 2 years and continue to do so.

My plan to keep Yin pure began after I made my resolve. My network expanding not just in her high school but also in my college as I not only kept tabs on people next to her but the people that were close to the people next to her. Carefully analyzing the information they gave and predicting the waves of people's feelings.

For example, Yin had one classmate who sat next to her and was also her partner for Physics. He had previously been crushing on one of their classmates but was coldly rejected. To avoid him placing his feelings onto Yin, I suggested to his childhood friend who was in a different school to approach him and soon they got together.

Admittedly I thought this was all a little extreme... managing almost 100 people everyday. I was worried it'll take up too much of my time to study and that I'll be forced to cut off my time to sleep next to Yin which goes against what I wanted to do in the 1st place.

So I asked for help. Or specifically, recruited helpers.

My vast network didn't just come with information about Yin but also a number of rumors and secrets, all passed to me after I gained their confidence and their lack of guilt since they were talking to a screen.

At 1st I didn't care for the information they gave but after chancing upon a very compromising rumor related to the principal of our school, I started collecting them, saving them for a rainy day.

Now they were put to use.

I took one helper 1st, a 1st year in college in a different course who was good with computers and was involved with a number of reports about selling drugs in our school. It was hard to persuade him initially but after I told him I had evidence of his deals, he relented where I gave him 40 or so people to monitor daily and he'll only need to compile important information and send over one's that was related to Yin's class.

I was afraid he'd betray me the 1st few weeks but he proved to be a hard worker and with a bit of help from the network, I was able to find him a few new clients as well. A win-win relationship.

Was my conscience affected for letting something illegal run in my school? No. I've passed that point when I began my network to stalk Yin. I would never be caught if he's found anyway since I've learned to use untraceable pseudonyms and onion browsers. The 1st year didn't even know he was talking to Yang Sun of the college department.

I took in my next person during midterms, a girl named Lyka, involved in a sexual affair with a few students and even a teacher. One event caught on film.

She was easier to persuade than the 1st in exchange for not leaking the video and chat conversations. I gave her the other half of the 100 as I contacted the main students around Yin, leaving me with more free time and less things to worry about.

2 years flew by quickly. Yin and I are now 4th years in our levels.

One more year and I'll be free to pursue Yin who had grown even more beautiful each day.

Soon all my hard work will bear fruit. All my sleepless nights, planning, and acting would come to an end as I broke free from moving in the shadows.

I'll be able to love Yin without judgement and I'll be able to announce to the world that she was my girlfriend.

Just one more year. One year.

"Yang sweetie. I know this might be sudden but your father's company wants him to transfer to another city" my mother told me one day and I looked at her in surprise while my inner self was cheering in joy.

Maybe I didn't even need a year to declare my love for her.

Our love story can start right now.

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