Chapter 34 (Yin)

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My graduation day came. It's been 3 weeks since Yang had locked me up. I only saw him when he gave me food and when he frequently spends the night in my room.

I tried to look for his keys the 1st night since he locks the door every time it closes but he woke up and caught me searching. I didn't know if I liked what he considers a form of punishment as my mind was plunged in waves of euphoria until I forgot even my own name. One time I even fainted midway.

Yang had brought me my diploma and card 2 days ago but I was still sad I didn't get to march with my classmates and friends. I'd heard from Yang that Nina and Lyka tried to look for me in our house, the address they got from my school files but Yang told them I moved to his parents to pursue my studies there. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

But then I didn't need to say good bye.

"Who was it, Yang?" I asked as I curled against the end of the bed as far away from him as possible.

My anger at him had reached its peak. I couldn't even stomach having him touch me.

He looked at me patiently, waiting for me to continue.

"Who were you contacting to keep an eye on me?"

I had wondered about this during the endless hours I had nothing to do but think. I was never going to go back there anyway so I knew Yang would probably answer truthfully.

He smiled, amused, "It was everyone, Yin"

My eyes narrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Everyone in your class. Outside your class. Everyone was telling me about you. Not in a direct way but it was enough for me to know what I wanted to know" he fiddled with his phone as he spoke, turning it over and over in his hand.

When he saw my confused expression, he continued to explain, "You know I'm considered popular at school. I keep in touch with both students and teachers. When I entered college and we weren't able to spend time together, I worried about you constantly but I didn't have the time or ability to watch over you everyday. Until my friend who had a sister in your class started telling me about his sister's studies. I got in touch with her via text and became her friend. Her name was Sarah I think"

A face appeared with the name. I remembered her as a popular girl from a rich family background during my 1st year in high school. We didn't talk a lot though.

"You asked her about me?"

Yang shook his head, "I didn't want you to know I was asking about you since you might find it odd. I didn't want to upset you. I talked to her about your class in general, learning about your environment and in connection, you as well. Then she gave my email to your other classmates and I started chatting with them too where it grew from there. I called it my network" he smiled whimsically.

"I changed people every time you went up a grade, keeping others who entered the same class as you. I changed to social media when it became too large plus people could share pictures. Of course, they didn't know they were all talking to the same person. For most of them, I said I was a type of guru who gave them life advice, it allowed me to ask all the questions I wanted. Lyka was the most useful one since she was close to you"

So it was Lyka. I didn't know the range of Yang's watch but I knew that it was strange that he would immediately know I wanted to tell my friends I was in trouble. Lyka had been feeding him information.

My anger rose but it was pointless now.

I thought for a moment after he finished speaking, not even shocked anymore at the extent he would take to watch me, "Why didn't you just ask me directly? Why do it in such a roundabout way?"

A pause then he smiled warmly, "Because I loved you too much"

I blushed at the sudden confession and was about to reprimand him for getting off topic when I saw his smile drop, traces of anger appearing in his eyes, "My parents are strict, Yin although you probably never noticed. My father strongly disapproved of me getting into a relationship since he thinks it'll affect my grades and future. I didn't want to implicate you if he found out my feelings so I kept my distance when I entered college. But the thought of not knowing how you were was too much for me. The network was my only reprieve"

I was surprised, having no idea his father had said such things. Yang must've been hurt from forcing himself to hide his feelings. I was both touched and sad for him. Wishing things would have happened differently.

He smiled again warmly, "But that doesn't matter now. No matter what he says, I'll continue to love you and be with you. I don't need to maintain my network anymore since I only need myself to watch you from now on" he moved closer and I couldn't bring myself to move away despite how angry I was at him.

My sadness for him mixed with fear as I realized he wanted to imprison me even until A city and beyond that. I pitied him who had to hide his feelings for so long and to cut off contact with the one he loved so he could protect me.

But I couldn't let him continue to imprison me, "Yang. Can't we discuss this some-"

He reached over to my hand that was on top of my bent knees but when I started speaking, his hold tightened immediately, not holding back his strength. My fingers felt like they would break and I cried out in pain.

"What did you say?" he asked without a change in expression. His smile still warm as if he was unaware of how tight his grip was.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I said nothing" I said hurriedly and his hold loosened.

I immediately took my aching hand back but he pulled me to his embrace, "That's good"

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now