Chapter 27 (Yin)

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In the morning, I went to the basement where the security system was. I knew Yang was serious but at the same time, I was hoping he wasn't. Lying to myself that the kind Yang didn't suddenly threaten me in the kitchen.

When I looked through the tapes and found they were brand new, it finally sunk in that Yang had really hidden them.

At breakfast I asked him if we could talk about this again and that I would listen to him and 'be good' as long as he showed me where the tapes were but he refused.

I sat on my chair defeated and ate my meal without tasting it, Yang frowned at seeing my sad expression.

"You don't have to think about this too hard, Yin. We'll live the way we used to. We'll go to school, walk home together, take our meals together and spend time with each other. Nothing has to change" he smiled warmly.

"Then why are you threatening me?" my voice was sharp

His smile dropped, "Insurance. I don't want you misbehaving anymore"

"How have I misbehaved? What did I do? If this' about-" I cut myself off, taking a second to compose myself, "If this' about the other night then..."

Yang shook his head, "It's unrelated"

"Then how?"

He took a long look at me, piercing and unnerving, "There's Gavin for example. You allowed him to use you in his personal agenda"

The topic hit a sore spot and I couldn't refute him. The betrayal was still fresh and I still hated my trusting idiocy.

But maybe Gavin was right about Yang. How can a person who threatened somebody else with such personal tapes not be shady? But the image of a shady Yang, wouldn't stick. I knew then I was doomed.

"There was also last night. When you went along with the whims of those 3"

"But they were your friends"

"So if someone told you I was their friend, you'd go along with whatever they say?"

"But you were there too"

"I was opposed to it but did you listen?"

I fell silent.

"There should be limits to how much you trust people and who you trust. I'm just doing this to protect you, Yin. I can't make you listen to me unless I force you to listen" he paused, "Believe me, I hate doing this to you but I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Do you think I want to see you get betrayed and used?" his expression was twisted in pain and I wanted to comfort him.

I remained silent, feeling a shred of guilt for my anger at him. Yang was still his caring self despite his distorted way of doing things. I was beginning to understand that but it doesn't mean I approve.

He stood and circled the table to stand behind me where he gently hugged me around my shoulders, "This' for the best, Yin. Everything I do is to care and protect you. Can you allow me to do that?" he asked gently as I was comforted by his closeness and warmth.

A part of me still wanted to protest but my belief and love for him won over, "Okay"

"I'm glad you understand" he kissed my cheek, straightened and rubbed my head with his palm.

We finished breakfast and went to school together. As I walked with Yang and he told me stories of his classmates and past events, I started to believe that everything was back to how it was.

Despite everything I still trusted Yang, he had done nothing to hurt me and everything he did was for my best interest.

Yin & Yang: A Yandere Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now