Chapter 10 (Yin)

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I ignored Gavin the very next day, refusing to talk to him and making excuses when he told me we should talk in private.

After a few weeks, he stopped and I thought he gave up to my relief.

I was walking through a less populated area inside campus since school had ended some time ago. I had been in the library doing some research for class and before I knew it, it was dark outside.

I should text Yang I'm already on my way home.

I stopped and got out my phone when a hand landed on my shoulder.

"Yin, what is going on? Why aren't you talking to me?"

I turned around and saw Gavin with a concerned expression.

I remembered his betrayal, anger bubbling inside me, "Please leave me alone" I turned away but he grabbed my lower arm.

"Just tell me what happened. There must've been a misunderstanding. Did I do something wrong?" then with a hint of anger, "Did that Yang tell you something?"

"Gavin let go of me. Let go!" I struggled through his hold but his grip was like iron. Fear started to take over my anger, realizing I was alone in this area with someone who was much stronger than me.

"No! If I let go, you'll only avoid me again. Let's talk this through. We were fine until I asked you to go into his room. Did Yang catch you? What did he say? Please just tell me" there were hints of desperation in his eyes and I thought answering him honestly would make him let go.

Reluctantly I said, "He told me you're using me for revenge for your sister"

He stopped, his eyes wide. Some part of me believed that maybe Yang was wrong and Gavin wasn't using me. That he didn't suddenly befriend me just to get to Yang. His shocked expression and his lack of denial killed this belief and the last ounce of trust I had in him. He truly had been using me.

When I thought I could escape when his grip slackened, it suddenly became tighter as he even pulled me forward, "What does this have to do with my sister?" his teeth were gritted and I could feel the anger radiating off him like a physical thing.

His words would've made me rethink my belief again but his sudden aggression caused me to panic as I struggled to free myself, "I don't know. Please let go"

"She'd suffered so much already. She doesn't even want to have anything to do with him!" he yelled at my face.

"Let go of me!" I burst out.


Gavin suddenly flew to the ground, releasing me in the process.

I tumbled down as well in the opposite direction since I was pulling away from him with all my might as someone I instantly recognized as Yang raced forward after throwing the punch and started beating Gavin with his fist.

I was stunned by his sudden appearance and the relief that flooded me from being saved that I could only stare blankly as Yang continued to beat him. Gavin didn't even have room to fight back.

When he straightened up, a few guards appeared and Yang conversed with them before approaching me and helping me onto my feet.

"Are you okay?" he gave me a once over, eyes filled with worry.

I was still a bit shaken as I got up, "I-I'm fine. I was just..." my sight blurred, then tears fell and I began to cry, unable to continue speaking. Yang swung his jacket around me as he hugged me tightly, whispering comforting words.

Gavin was unconscious and an ambulance was called while we were taken to the security office so I could tell them what happened. Although when they asked if I should file with the police, I shook my head, not wanting things to escalate. Yang looked disapproving though but said nothing.

"Why were you at school?" I asked Yang when we were riding the bus home. His class had ended hours ago but he somehow appeared and rescued me.

"I was getting concerned since you weren't home yet and you hadn't texted me. I came back and went to the high school gate where I heard you screaming. The guards saw me when I ran in and followed me" he sighed as he placed an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his chest, "It was a good thing too or else I don't want to know what could've happened. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner"

I shook my head, "I'm glad you came when you did. Thanks for saving me, Yang" I allowed myself to lean into him, feeling too drained physically and emotionally to care if this was appropriate or not.

"Call me immediately if something like this happens again and why don't I start picking you up from school from now on?"

I wanted to refuse his 2nd request, not wishing to bother him even more but remembering the powerlessness and fear. How someone I used to trust could become such a brute. I nodded and closed my eyes.

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