Chapter Thirty Four

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Watch that video of Maya in the MM & bless your life. Even if you don't wanna bless your life just watch it... please ٩(◕‿◕)۶

Alex Crane

"You got everything you need Maya?" I asked as she rolled her bag to the front door.

"Yes mommy."

"Are you sure you have absolutely everything?"

"I'm absolutely, positively, sure."

"Undies and socks?"






"And the back up inhaler?"

"Double yup."

"And your epipens?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am, that makes me feel old. Get your coat."

"Isn't it warm in Florida mommy? I don't need my jacket."

"You can never be too sure My. You have to stay prepared."

"Is Mr. Maurice really taking us all the way to Florida?" She asked while slipping on her jacket.


"And he's taking us all the way to Mickey Mouses house?"

"I'm not sure if he's taking you to see Mickey Mouse baby."

"He has to. He pinky promised me that he would and you can't break a pinky promise."

"That is very true, pinky promises are sacred. You can ask him about it when we get to the car."

"Are we going in the black long car again? I liked that car."

"I don't know Maya, we'll see when we get downstairs."

She gasped, "He's here right now?"

"He's been here for an hour already, we would've been gone by now if you didn't take so long."

"It's not my fault! I couldn't find Jeff."

"Of course, can't go anywhere without Jeff."

'Jeff' was her favorite stuffed animal. It was this little giraffe my mom got her when she was born and she's refused to be separated from it since.

I opened the door and we started making our way down the hall. Once we got into the elevator I pulled out my phone and started texting Christian.

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