Sibling Rivalry

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Lucas opened the shaded door slowly. He knew what to expect inside, still cautious. He stepped in and looked around. Dark lighting, old, worn, red carpeting, and several tables tucked against the walls. A small bar to the right, dark thick wood, shined with a glaze. Several stools, all occupied. He could see the face of a lovely young girl working the bar, she was staring into nothing. Her expression hollow until she looked over at him. Her eyes immediately went dark, a sign she was attracted to him. One he saw everywhere he went, one he now did not care for.

He reached into his pocket, dangled around for a key, he had taken it from his brother the last time they met. He moved forward, not seeing anyone familiar, just a few old drunks and the lovely girl behind the bar.

In front of him was an open area, leading to the back, to storage, restroom, and kitchen, then to the door that read, employees only. He pushed it open and took the steps to the third floor where he would find what he was looking for.

Up into the dark, he came to the landing, down the long hall to the last door on the right. It said DO NOT ENTER. He removed the key and opened it. Inside was a desk, well crafted and stately. Papers neatly piled and a file left open, someone was recently reading it. He took it off the desk and read the words. Activity, the date it was today and the name Sloane. Ahh he is doing something he thought to himself.

So what has she been doing. He read she was tracked to New Haven, where she monitored a small apartment building on Pine Rock Avenue two nights ago. He felt his blood boiling, this was Andies home. After that she returned to New York City and was last seen On the Upper west side. This was last night. No further details.He went back to invading the desk. He fumbled through the drawers and found nothing. His hand reached in deeper and to his surprise he felt a gun. He lifted it out, checked and it was loaded. A 9 mm glock with a full clip and bullet in the barrel. Is my brother shooting people now?

As he searched he let his mind drift to when Sloane was not evil,, he remembered her face, she was very beautiful. Until the black filled her heart. He blamed Zeb, a madman from the lower covens, not as well evolved as the covens South of the Easterlands. But this new Sloane, she was nothing to him.

Without her to lead the Northern covens, and various tribes of wolf, witch and whatever else dwelled in that region, they would be nothing. She was superior to all of them, older, stronger and a mastermind at battle. Her demise would Finally put an end to the constant threat of invasion, and destruction of Heidorn, and of the world he now called home. And for her stalking Andie. She will die. He thought.

He looked around for anything new, he would return the favor and spy on his brother as he did to him.He found a cell phone bill, read it over and saw a few numbers called more than others, he memorized them, dialed from his brothers desk phone and Marcus answered.

"Well, brother, I see you got my message. And it seems I have missed your expected visit to my office, hope you did enjoy a drink before you invaded my privacy," Marcus said.

"Where are you?" Asked an impatient Lucas.

"Now why would I ever tell you? I'm sure you've come to make me pay for telling your little human, how pathetic she is to you." He could not help his amusement at the thought, and laughed into the phone.

"I came to track Sloane. Anything new? I read the file, you have no new leads, is that correct?" Lucas didn't have time to play games, ignoring his brothers comments would send its own message.

"That is incorrect brother, I am on her tail as we speak," Marcus answered recognizing his brother wasn't going to engage in his torment. 

'Where, I want in, where."

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