Bang bang all over you!

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''What is happening to him?" Lighting, are you OK? Andie let out a desperate whisper as she watched lighting spin like a tornado.

Lightning spun, stirring leaves, tossing twigs, covering them with spit up forest floor. Davis focused on one thing, the bouncing curly headed figure, coming at them. Lighting came to a halt, looking around and to his dismay, he did not see what he wanted.

''I was trying to shift, I haven't tried since I lost my other self, but if we are gonna get away from her alive, we are gonna need all the help we can get. Hold her off! Don't let her get to us before I shift.'' He said to them.

''No problem, I got this." Said Raymond. He headed up into the woods, and circled behind Sloane, as she closed in on Andie and Davis. 

''Here Andie take some of these.'' Davis said, holding out his vamp impalers that he had made at the mansion. ''Stab her with these if she gets too close.''

''And remember, if she bites us, she will get sick, Benjamin fell right to his knees.'' She explained.

''Alright, get on your game Sissy, cause she is really close.'' 

Lighting was again spinning, he was shifting, in a flash there were three other lightnings, all stumbling, reaching for rocks, taking impalers from Davis.

''Man this is crazy, how you doing lightnings.'' Davis said. ''Which one of you is the number one you?'' He asked.

'''Me, over here.'' Answered Lighting from behind him, crouching down low, ready to pounce on Sloane.

Behind her they could see a figure, it was Raymond, now stalking her from behind. He came up quickly and shoved on long sharp piece of wood into her. 

Sloane let out a wild scream as she went down to her knees. Raymond didn't waste a second and shoved another one inside her chest, missing his target, her heart. But he did damage. The others rushed towards her, all slamming her with rocks and stabbing her with the crafted impalers. 

She did not have speed or the ability to fly, but she had her strength, and managed to grab Raymond by his legs and tossed him hard thought the air. He soared over Andies head and slammed into a tree. Andie kicked Sloane as hard as she could in the face, sending her to the ground, the four Lightings, did their damage and stabbed her with the impalers, She was down and not moving.

''Ray, you OK man?" Davis helped Raymond to his feet. He was banged up a bit, but able to stand and moved quickly to see if she was alive.

''I don't know how to tell, did we kill her?'' Asked Ray to Lighting.

''No she ain't dead, she will be moving again, we have to do her in now.'' Lighting said as he flipped her over ready to strike a fatal blow into her chest, but she was aware of what he was doing and grabbed him by his neck, snapping it sending him and the other lightnings to the ground. 

Andie, Davis and Raymond, watched in horror as all four lightings fell lifeless, to the ground. 

''Did you foolish humans think I would fall so easily to you?'' She said as she stood up, ripping the stakes out one by one. Not one of them moved, they were frozen, eyes filling with tears for the Lightings.

''Now, who wants to die first?'' She taunted them.

''You ugly bitch, you killed my friend!" Davis said, anger and pain were all he felt over the sight of what she did to Lightning. "Come and get some Bitch!'' He yelled at her, hiding another special impalor he had made for such an event.

''You, you!'' Sloane recognized Davis's face, the same made up eyes that looked back at her, the ones driving the sedan that ran her over.

''You ran me over, called me a bitch! I will kill you first! Tear your eyes out of your head." She said to him.

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