Beautiful Lies Chapter 1

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I have a confession to make. Beautiful lies from gorgeous guys, enchanted and entrapped me. Surely, I was not the only one to fall prey to that. I knew they were lying, I wasn't  stupid. Just scared. The tangled web of lies they wove were just spun so beautifully, I couldn't force myself to move on from them. To break free of the hold their lies had on me. As I am sure you have guessed, this got me into a lot of tough situations. My latest one was by far the worst.

I guess you might want to know more about me, right? My name is Raven Stone. Odd name considering my hair is blonde, not black. I am nothing like my last name, as I seem to be made more of glass. I crack all too easily these days. I just know it is only a matter of time before I shatter. I am sixteen and already know what it's like to feel alone and afraid for your life. I am a victim of abuse.

My abuser? Aaron Bellamy, my boyfriend. The star quarterback of my high schools football team. The star of North Ridge High, in general really. Hell, he was virtually a celebrity in our fairly small town of Lost Springs, Oregon. Had you asked me when I first met him, I'd have agreed. Ask me right now, I will tell you that I don't understand why. He is an asshole, plain and simple. The lowest of the low. No one believed that he treated me the way I said he did. He was the junior class president, I was just another pretty face. If bruised and cut is pretty.

The only one that believed me was me, myself and I. I didn't have any friends. Aaron forced me away from them. They no longer knew who I was. Had I told them, they wouldn't have believed me anyway. Aaron had blinded everyone with his good looks, perfect boy act and his charm. I wasn't shocked that no one believed me. After all, they didn't believe me the last time either.

Truth is that Aaron wasn't the first handsome guy to beat on me. There had been others before him. He was just the only one that could make me believe him. Aaron made me think that there was hope for us. That, he would clean up his act. His words were always so sincere sounding to me. I felt I had no choice but to believe him.

I stopped living at home long ago, when I became an emancipated minor. My mother was an alcoholic and my dad disappeared whenever he felt like it, to go get more cocaine and ecstasy tablets. He didn't use. Just pushed it on the streets. Sometimes, he would smoke some pot but that was on special occasions. So, no hope that they would believe me there. I was just living the high life. Sigh.

To tell you my story I must go back in time a bit. Not too far back, just enough for you to get an idea of how it all started. A small glimpse, if you will . Eventually it will all catch back up to where it should be. Have I completely confused you? Sorry, I tend to do that quite a bit.

It all began on December 5th 2008 when I met the most gorgeous guy in school. He had jet black hair, perfectly tanned skin, and abs like you wouldn't believe. And I was pretty sure he was into me. I mean, blonde hair, pale green eyes, curves in all the right places, not to mention, legs that went on for miles, how could he not be! I was gorgeous if I say so myself. But I was nothing compared to the god that stood in front of me. He played football too? I was in love! It seems silly now to have thought that way. In my defense I was a freshman. Not that being a sophomore made me any wiser. Proof of that will be brought up several times. Yeah, I had it bad, I just didn't realize it was a completely different way than I thought.

Flash forward quite a bit to March 2010. All the time before that unimportant now. Times were definitely happier. Now all I could think about was how I was going to hide my next bruise. Worst part? I had not one clue as to what happened to make him this way. Something in him snapped, but what? All I know is one day he got mad and I became the punching bag.

It wasn't so bad the first time. I played it off like an accident and so did Aaron. We both knew better. The first incident that set him off was me forgetting to call and tell him I'd be late. Of course when he went to pick me up and I wasn't there, he flipped. I guess I deserved it then.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" He had yelled. "What the fuck were you doing that you couldn't pick up the goddamn phone!?" I was frightened. Aaron had never acted this way before. Not with anyone. Certainly not me.

Just as I went to reply to him, I had stumbled back. Holding my face where his palm had connected. Before then, I had no idea it was possible to hit that hard. When people asked about it, I had a really difficult time explaining the bruise on my cheek was cause I fell and hit my nightstand. Though, no one had really asked. They sure as hell didn't do anything.

A:N: Just wanted to apologize for any mistakes throughout this story. I write really late at night and I had the tense one way then decided another suited the story better. So if you get confused, I apologize. Not promising anything but hopefully I will have it fully edited soon. Feel free to point out my mistakes. I won't take it poorly-as long as it's constructive and not  like "Hey dummy you typed that wrong- like I said, I write late. Mistakes are bound to be scattered throughout.  Thanks so much for all your help and understanding. 

Best wishes!

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