Dear Juggie

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Dear Juggie,

Our story shouldn't have ended like this. It should've ended with marriage, kids, grandkids and maybe even great grandkids. We were meant to grow old together, buy a little cottage and spend our days in eachothers company until we left the world in eachothers arms. But that's just sugar coating it, it's fake, it doesn't happen often. Instead you've been left in this cruel world, without me. You're not happy and I know it, but don't do it. Don't let go of life when you have so much more to live for. Maybe you've lost one thing but that doesn't mean everythings over. Travel the world, find new love, have children, fulfill your dreams but please, please remember me. I will always remember you, I will remember your sweet voice in my ear, your strong arms wrapping around me, and your gorgeous smile that lights the world like a candle. Don't dwell on me, just do what we always said we would. Go to the places we dreamed of going to, have those kids that we always talked about, I won't be upset if you find someone new because I know that you'll make her happy just like you made me. All those years of wiping my tears, kissing my lips and loving me, undeniably made me the happiest girl alive. I know your reading this right now, maybe before or after my funeral, and thinking that it's all over but it's not. You have a full life ahead of you and just know I'll always be looking out for you. I'll see you again some day handsome,

Love Betty xx

A/N wrote this a few weeks back and uploading it tonight just to make up for not uploading last night. Please comment suggestions, I'm completely stuck 🙏🙏

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