Sunflowers, Roses, Tulips, and Gardenias | Wooyoung

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Wooyoung x Reader


Summary:  Not everyone is excited to meet their soulmate.

Summary:  Not everyone is excited to meet their soulmate

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Everyone would get their soul mark once they turned 18. The day after you turned 18 you looked down, hoping to see it. But you guessed your soul mark wasn't there. You then looked down to your legs and didn't see it there either. Once you looked at your chest, you saw it. It was a kind of big, covering the whole left side of your rib cage. It was a cluster of flowers, it had a few sunflowers, roses, tulips, and gardenias, but the weird thing was that a piece of the cluster was missing in the middle. It looked like it'd been cut out after everything had been done. You were excited. You took a picture of it to show your friends later. You got ready for your first class and got on campus in no time. You found some of your friends, who you shared your first class of the day with.

"Did your soul mark come up?" Rina asked, your best friend. You'd been best friends since you were children, and had both been accepted into the same college.

"Yeah! It's so pretty too." You pulled out your phone to show them the picture you took earlier. They all said how pretty and cool it was. They said that you would find your soulmate in no time. And that was true, you'd find them, but they didn't want to find you.

Wooyoung and all his friends had become close to you after you started college. You shared some classes with Jongho, San, and Yunho. You were walking across campus with the 3 of them to the cafe you always hung out at. Mainly so you didn't have to go back to your dorm since you only had an hour to wait for your next class to start.

"We wanna see your soul mark. I heard Rina talking about how pretty it was!" San said once you'd sat down with your coffee. You laughed and pulled out your phone to show them the picture you'd taken a couple of days ago. All of them cooed and awed at your soul mark, complimenting it relentlessly.

"You know I think I've seen this somewhere too." San said. "But I don't remember where I saw it." Your heart was beating so fast.

"Well if you remember, make sure you tell me." You said quickly, trying to calm your racing heart.

You were at your dorm doing some homework when San came busting in your door. You looked up startled.

"What are you doing?!?" You yelled as he came over to you.

"Well don't just stand there! Tell me who it is!" You said as you grabbed his shoulders. But he had a grim look on his face.

"It's Wooyoung Y/N." And you stood there shocked. How could the universe hate you so much that your soulmate didn't even want you? You remember all the times he said he didn't want to meet his soulmate because fate had decided it for him. You sat down on the couch, San beside you and sighed.

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