After Tour | Wooyoung

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Wooyoung x Reader


Summary: Wooyoung comes home from tour and cuddles pursue. 

(bless all of us)

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(bless all of us)

It'd been a while since you'd been able to see Wooyoung. He'd been promoting for a little over a month and then with their tour, it had been forever. But don't forget to factor in all the time he spent perfecting their album and dances before so it had been since Christmas. You'd seen him at the dorms when you had Christmas with the boys. When he was finally home from tour, he went straight to your house, exhausted from the tour and the plane ride back. When he knocked on your door, it was only 9pm. When you opened the door, he immediately pushed inside and dropped his bag to pull you into a tight hug.

"I missed you." He whispered in your hair.

"I missed you too Woo." You said as you nuzzled into this chest. You stood like that for a few minutes before you pulled away. "Let's go get ready for bed." He nodded and led the way to your room.

The next morning, you woke up at 9am, Wooyoung was still asleep. You got out of bed, unraveling his arms from around you, and got up to go into the kitchen. While you were cooking, you kept making sure to check on Wooyoung to make sure that he wasn't awake yet. You were glad that he was getting a lot of sleep. When breakfast was done, you put it on a plate and brought it inside your room. You placed the plate on your bedside table and crawled onto the bed.

"Woo, baby, it's time to wake up." You said as you shook him a little. He rolled over to look at you.

"What are you doing up babygirl?" You laughed at that.

"I made you breakfast. Get up so you can eat." He slowly leaned up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You handed him his plate of food, and leaned up against the headboard.

"Where's your food?" He asked when he saw that you didn't have a plate.

"I ate while I was cooking. You eat." But he wasn't having that.

"No, you have some too." He said as he fed you some of his fruit. So while the two of you were eating his plate of food, you two also talked some. Catching up on what you hadn't told each other when you'd facetime. Soon the two of you were cuddled, a random movie on.

"This scene is so sad." Wooyoung said.

"Woo, love, we've never watched this movie." You laughed as he looked over at you, your face in his neck.

"So? I can still tell it's gonna be sad!" He stated as he pulled you closer to him. When the two of you calmed down again, he sighed and nuzzled into your hair. "I've really missed you."

You smiled shyly, "I missed you too Woo."

"I can't even remember the last time I saw you not through a phone screen."

"It was Christmas, when we went to see my parents."

"Oh yeah. And your brother purposely moved the mistletoe so we wouldn't kiss." The two of you laughed.

"Oh wow, I completely forgot about that." You giggled.

As the sun started to set, the two of you agreed on getting takeout for dinner, not wanting to leave from each other for very long. After you ate, you were laying in bed, watching him get ready for bed.


"Yes babygirl?"

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too."

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