Bad Boy and the Bad Girl | Mingi

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Mingi x Reader


Summary: No one knew you were a bad girl. So when you start to have issues with your brother, what happens when your brother's friend Mingi is there to help you?


No one knew you were bad

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No one knew you were bad. Well your brother, Yunho, did when he'd run into you while you were out with your friends. You always were quiet at school, never one for attention. This was the total opposite of your brother. Many people, including his friends, just thought that you liked to stay out of the center of attention since your brother was in it enough for the both of you. That was until, a new girl at your school started to date your brother. You were talking to him during lunch when she came up to you.

"Why the fuck are you talking to my boyfriend?" She asked as she pushed you away.

"Yo, what the fuck!" You yelled as you pushed her back.

"Get the fuck away from my boyfriend." Yunho tried to interrupt her, but your day was already shit and people had already ran your patience down. You saw Yunho's friends coming towards you as you threw the first punch. Yunho quickly pulled you back as you got another punch in on her.

"Maybe if you actually listened to your gossip it'd tell you that I'm his fucking sister you dumbass." You screamed as you tried to escape from Yunho's grip. Jongho grabbed you from him as he checked on his girlfriend. He took you to a quiet place behind the gym to cool down.

The next day, you were the talk of the school. And you hated it. You kept to yourself more than ever. Mingi had missed your fight the day before, so when he heard about it he laughed.

"Yeah right. Yunho's sister is a wimp." He laughed and you shook your head as you passed him. If only he knew.

The next time you got into a fight was when you were out with your friends drinking. One of the guys who'd been flirting with your friend decided that he didn't want to let her leave without him. So when you snatched her away from him, he punched you in the face. The next day at school, people laughed as you passed by, thinking that you got beat up. Little did they know, Hongjoong had seen the whole thing.

The whole time you stayed in the back of the class, and even skipped a couple of them so you wouldn't have to deal with all the questions and teasing from your classmates. You were up on the roof of your school when Mingi found you.

"I see you're hiding." You heard from behind you. You were looking out at the cars passing by as he walked up beside you.

"Maybe I am. What do you want?" You asked. You'd been picked at all day and you were ready to go home.

"Yunho was wondering where you was. He's been looking for you and he couldn't find you." He said as he leaned on the railing.

"I texted Yunho earlier, so what's your next lie." You said as you stepped away from the railing to sit back in the shade.

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