Bear | Yunho

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Yunho x Reader


Summary: Lazy day with Yunho.

(realized I didn't have anything for this bear)

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(realized I didn't have anything for this bear)

Yunho was absolutely exhausted. They'd just got back from their world tour, and all he wanted to do was crawl in bed with you. He texted you when they landed and told you that he was heading over, not wanting to wait for tomorrow. He let himself in with the key you'd gave him on your second anniversary. You were sat up on the couch, yawning since it was almost 3am.

"Hi babe." You said as you clung to him. You'd missed him a lot, glad that he was finally home and could rest. You knew he always wanted to meet ATINY, but he needed his rest now.

"Hi love. I missed you." He said quietly as he bent down to kiss your forehead, and let out a small yawn.

"I missed you too, but we have all day tomorrow. Let's go to bed." He nodded and let you drag him to your room. He changed into some clothes he left at your house and you both laid down. You cuddled into him, something you hadn't been able to do for the past 2 months, and went to sleep.

When you woke up, it was almost noon, and Yunho was still asleep. You decided to let him sleep, knowing he needed it. You got up to make a quick lunch, deciding that you could eat in bed. You were making a simple lunch, grilled cheese since you hadn't been able to go grocery shopping, when you felt arms go around your waist.

"When I woke up, I thought it'd be with you beside me." He said kissing your shoulder.

"I wanted to make you some lunch. I know you're hungry." You said laughing. Thankfully it was done. "Here, we can either eat in the living room or my room. You choose." He grabbed one of the plates that you had and pulled you to the couch. He turned on the Harry Potter series, wanting to binge it for the millionth time. It wasn't even half way through the first movie and Yunho was already asleep. He had put his head on your lap as soon as he finished eating. You ran your hands through his hair, helping him get comfy and sleep. You weren't lying when you said you missed him. The both of you texted all day everyday when you could, and facetimed, but it wasn't the same. Feeling sleepy as well, you scooted till you were both cuddling on the couch.

"I love you Bear. I'm glad your home."

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